Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
WK-SA-LINA-GIF Spoiler Alert: This page contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Tsukasa Hajime (司 一) was the commander of Blanche's Japanese Branch.


Tsukasa is quite a smug and arrogant person but was shocked about Kirihara's anger.


Tsukasa Hajime possesses some low level magic and it's unknown how he became Blanche's Branch leader.

He prefers not to dirty his hands himself and would rather order others around.

While members describe the organization as a citizen's movement, in reality, it is an infamous terrorist group involved in various illegal activities. As such, the present incarnation of Blanche has been deemed a significant threat by the Japanese Department of Public Safety.

Tsukasa was the one responsible for brainwashing Mibu Sayaka, Tsukasa Kinoe, and tried to hypnotize Tatsuya using Evil Eye magic; when it failed, he fled and eventually got subdued by Kirihara Takeaki who chopped off his arm.


Magical Abilities[]

Hajime possesses some low level magic.


Evil-Eye is Tsukasa Hajime's Ultimate Magic. It is a brainwashing technique, or hypnotism, that could be replicated with a light projector, but this ability avoids the need for lugging a machine around and can control an opponent's consciousness. It can be used to rewrite memories or simply send people to deep sleep.

