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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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Thunderclap Tower (霹靂塔 lit. Thunderbolt Tower) is a Strategic-Class Magic that generates large-scale lightning continuously over a wide range. [1]


The Great Asian Union is one of the great military powers of the world who brags that they have too many people[2] and in their military, they are rumored to have six Strategic-Class Magicians in their ranks but their prominent Strategic-Class Magic Thunderclap Tower That is used by Liú Yúndé.

During the Scorched Halloween, Liú Yúndé is deployed with the fleet to invade Japan but this was quashed and he dies along the the invading fleet at the hands of Ooguro Ryuuya's Material Burst. The Great Asian Union refuses to acknowledge Liú Yúndé's death but him missing during their military parades is noticeable so his grand daughter Liú Lìlěi became his successor of Thunderclap Tower.[1]



Thunderclap Tower used in Africa

"Lock on!"

—-Liú Lìlěi

Thunderclap Tower is a magic used over a wide area, the magic triggered the process to create electricity necessary for thunder and intermittently reduced the electrical resistance of everything in its radius as well. It continuously threw lightning strikes one after another. It was not only effective against light armored infantry but it also had other after effects. It caused serious damages to infrastructures and electronic equipment. The repeated lightning strikes in the area caused fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, which lowered the electrical resistance of all objects in the area. The direct killing power of this magic wasn’t as high as the other Strategic-Class Magic's but its effects on electronic equipment over a wide area was another thing altogether. It was considered an EMP weapon.

The power of the lightning strikes isn't considered to be Strategic-Class, but the widespread generation of electromagnetic waves that paralyze and destroy electronic equipment, which is a side-effect from invoking the magic, is what makes it a Strategic-Class Magic. The magic lowers the insulation resistance within the range of where the lightning occurs, this process causes insulation deterioration, dielectric breakdown of the electronic equipment, thereby further expanding the damage caused by electromagnetic waves. The result is, the infrastructure and urban functions of highly urbanized cities can be completely destroyed. [1]



Liú Lìlěi introduced as the new Thirteen Apostles

"It seems that the army of the Great Asian Union is going to make her a symbol for the sake of morale."

—-Shiba Tatsuya

In the aftermath of the Scorched Halloween, the Great Asian Union announced to the world the use of Thunderclap Tower by Liú Lìlěi and named to be the successor of her grand father that serves as a deterrence to France who supports the rebels MEND in the Gulf of Guinea at the Nigeran Region of Africa. In addition, the Great Asian Union also published the name, age and the photo of Liú Lìlěi which is usually private information.[1]

Despite the knowledge of the Thunderclap Tower's name and its functions revealed to the world, only few has actually experienced its effect and even soldiers of the Great Asian Union thinks they are struck by Thunderclap Tower but it is actually another equivalent spell like Spark.[3]

--To be added



