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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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Strategic-Class Magic (戦略級魔法) is magic capable of destroying a city with a population of greater than 50,000 people in a single invocation, or that of destroying a fleet. [1] [2]


Due to the destructive capabilities of Strategic-Class Magic, it is difficult to test near civilian areas. As such, a method derived from a "subcritical experiment" to test the process of causing an explosion of nuclear fission by stopping it immediately before the critical point to collect data for the simulation is used. For the case of Strategic-Class Magic, testing the new magic is done by cancelling the Magic Sequence just prior to activation. Even though the activation is cancelled, it can be determined with a 80-90% certainty that the magic will function according to expectations.

In addition to preventing civilian casualties, this method also prevents the information of the test from being leaked to other countries through military spy satellites. Although the probability of error 10-20% seems high, the success rate of large scale magic is usually low until the caster gets used to the magic and unlike conventional magic tests, there was no need to cling to the ideal of 100% completion rate" of all processes since there are no guarantees in a battle."[3]

List of Strategic-Class Magic[]



Due to the destructive capabilities of Strategic-Class Magic, the public who cannot use magic view these magicians as monsters and fear them. When Strategic-Class Magic is used in wars, it results in outrage and mass condemnation by the public and media due to massive numbers of casualties caused, to the point that Humanists radicals have used this as an opportunity to attack students from the Magic High Schools of Japan. In response, some magicians started their own movements whilst others started projects to use magic peacefully, such as Project Dione[4] and E.S.C.A.P.E.S Project.[5]


The government of any nation is aware of the value of Strategic-Class Magic as a deterrence and security against their enemies and are considered national treasures, national weapons or national property. As such, Strategic Magicians virtually have no privacy especially those recognized by the world powers as the Thirteen Apostles, constantly monitored by their own nation and enemy spies alike. Depending on their Social Status, Strategic-Class Magician's movements are also controlled by their respective government and can deploy them anywhere whether the magician likes it or not if it means an advantage to negotiations with their enemies. [6]
After the Miyaki Island Incident, many governments have sought to use the new found influence of Strategic-Class Magicians prominently done by the USNA that they are willing to fund Tatsuya's Stellar Furnace and even "loan" their own Strategic-Class Magician indefinitely [7]. In 2100 a presidential candidate even sought used this influence as a means to get ahead of the upcoming presidential elections.[8]


In some countries like Brazil, Strategic-Class Magicians are part of the military but the magic is not used until March 31, 2097 which resulted to a torrent of criticisms from the international community for killing innocent civilians but also sparked a series of Strategic-Class magic usages on the battlefield. [9]

--To be added--

Magic Association[]

