Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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Yakumo:“The people in this organization don't hold any positions in the government. They have no official status. But in our country, they occupy second place in terms of influence.”
Tatsuya:"and you can't go against these people?"[1]

The "Senate" is an informal secret organization comprising a group of powerful people who rule Japan from behind the scenes, specifically they control the hidden side of Japan also known as the Shadow Powers of Japan.


After Jiedo Heigu's attack on the Ten Master Clans Conference venue, Aoba requests that Kokonoe Yakumo assists Tatsuya not only in the pursuit but to also ensures he does not get into conflict with Benjamin Canopus and he is willing to pay 1 billion yen or even a new golden statue for Yakumo's assistance.[2]

First mention of the organization to Tatsuya is when Shiba Tatsuya is pursuing Kudou Minoru and Yakumo hinders Tatsuya as Minoru escapes. After their battle, Yakumo reveals to Tatsuya of the organization that wants the parasites expelled from Japan and Aoba is part of this organization. [3]

The Senate is mentioned before the battle between Tatsuya and Minoru who seeks to heal Sakurai Minami's condition by turning her into a parasite and their apparent association with the Yotsuba Clan. Maya and Hayama talks about sending the Tsukuba Family to encircle the area that Tatsuya will be fighting Minoru as a backup plan but they will not disrupt his fight. [4]

The Senate is formally revealed to Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki then to Kuroba Ayako and Kuroba Fumiya after they graduate from their respective high schools by Hayama. [5]

In 2099, some members of the Senate held a meeting and are discussing their concerns about Tatsuya and the Yotsuba's rising dominance on the Ten Master Clans. They concluded that they need to create a new magician army to replace the Ten Master Clans.[6]


The purpose of the Senate is to exterminate, seal, and eliminate mysterious phenomena, demons like Paranormal Parasite and way-ward magicians so that the “face” of the country isn’t disturbed by the power of the “hidden side.” For that reason, the Senate has various “powerful people” under its control and an information network that even can monitor the activities of Stars.

The “Senate” isn’t to be mistaken for the legislative body that existed in the early Meiji Era, before the establishment of the Imperial Diet. Of course, it’s not the successor to the Imperial Diet, and is an independent body that has nothing to do with the “elder statesmen.” Another name being the “Roman Senate.” [5]

Known Members[]

"As on organization grows, it will eventually need people to take on responsibilities that cannot be made public. Its the same in the monastic world."

—Yakumo to Tatsuya

The number of people in the Senate isn’t fixed and varies between ten to fifteen people, but the four families of the four great elders has been fixed since the establishment of the Senate. [5] Majority of the members are already in their late fifties with some middle aged men and women as well and being invited to their secret meetings called by the Elders depends on their seniority.[6]

Four Great Elders[]

“Even the four great elders aren’t all omniscient or infallible, and the Senate isn’t monolithic.”

—Shiba Tatsuya, Magian Company Chapter II, Chapter 12

The Four Great Elders are the heads of the four families who have the strongest voice in the Senate.

  • Toudou Aoba - A Buddhist Priest and a Sponsor of the Yotsuba Clan. Despite the increasing activities of foreign enemies against Japan, Aoba agrees to support Tatsuya's E.S.C.A.P.E.S Project provided he becomes a deterrent. [7]
  • Kashiwa Kazutaka - An elderly gentleman in his late 70’s referred to as the "Sensei" that give a mild mannered, quiet, and scholarly demeanor but feels that Toudou may be too attached to Tatsuya’s group. [8] Due to Kazutaka protecting the Izayoi Family who is sheltering Kurenai Anzu, Tatsuya suggests to consult with Aoba before capturing Kurenai. [5]
  • Anzai Isao - an elder of the Senate who expresses concerns on Tatsuya's power which is something he acknowledges but has problems that his power is his own so begins searching for candidates among the participants of the Nine Schools Competition for his plans.[9]
  • Hazumi Asuha - the head of the Hazumi family who lives in the Kii Peninsula and is also oversees the protection of the ruins of Shambhala in Mount Fuji.[10]


  • Hayama Tadanori - Head Butler of the Yotsuba Clan. Only the Clan Head Yotsuba Maya knows he is an agent of the Senate. After spending so many years with Maya, he places more importance on his position as Maya’s butler than as his position in The Senate. [4]
  • Kokonoe Yakumo - Publicly known as the Head priest of the Kyuuchouji Temple but a Shinobi and a "heretic monk" of Hieizan. While his actual position in the Senate is unknown, Yakumo is the contact for Tatsuya when he needs to meet with Aoba and the meeting place is usually his temple [7] or when Yakumo needs to talk to Tatsuya with matters concerning the Senate. [11]
  • Yamato Michitomo - a member of the Senate that hails from a family that worked as leaders of the Imperial Guard Division. [9]
  • Izayoi Souma

Known Groups associated with The Senate[]

  • Yotsuba - Member of the Ten Master Clans. The Yotsuba Clan only cares about The Senate, not the Ten Master Clans, Magic Association nor the Japanese Government. In exchange, they dispose of magicians that commit violent crimes or magicians that plan to do anything similar. [4]
  • Izayoi - Member of the Hundred Families. Famous for its aversion to creating magicians and strongly oppose the strengthening of magical skills through genetic engineering and biochemical means. The younger brother of the family head is also the aide of Kazataka.[5]
  • Hieizan - is an Esoteric Buddhist sect of Ancient Magicians that has many different names such as the Tendai and Hokurei. They are also called Miyako Fuji or Miyako-ochi (Fallen of Miyako) by other ancient magicians who have fallen to heretic ways. When the Hieizan receives a letter of introduction from a Senate Elder, the Hieizan cannot ignore the request no matter how absurd the request is. [11]
  • Ogamiyas - are a group within the Hieizan that uses sorcery to apply a curse meant to drain people of their vital energy and leaves their body physically weakened, making it more susceptible to diseases and accidents. [11]

