Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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Mibu Sayaka (壬生 紗耶香) is a first-year student at the National Defense Academy, as of 2097. [1] She is a graduate of First High School. [2] She was a member of the Kendo Club.[3]

Appearance and Personality[]

Sayaka is described as a beautiful girl with semi-long dark brown hair done in a ponytail, big blue eyes a slender figure. With her attractive appearance, Sayaka can easily captivate most boys of the same age as her with her friendly smile and female charms.[4] She once had feelings for Tatsuya, although, she later revealed that she wouldn't have been able to stand beside him, yet she would be able to get along with Kirihara Takeaki.[5]


During her days in middle school, she competed in the National Middle School Kendo Tournament, she placed second in the entire country. She was cheered by the media as the Beautiful Swords-woman for a long time.[3]

Sayaka was a part of the Aspirants Alliance, individuals who seek to demolish the discrimination between Blooms and Weeds.[6]


Recruitment Week[]


Main Article: Blanche[7]


Sayaka Ability

Sayaka's strength and abilities mainly lie in her excellent swordsmanship.[8]


Although Sayaka belongs to the Kendo Club, her father is a Magician who uses kenjutsu in live combat. Due in part from this, she learned kenjutsu techniques and rudimentary lessons from home. Among those lessons, her area of expertise lies in knife throwing. Due to her weak magical ability and lack of wrist strength, Sayaka finds it too difficult to control the tachi while using magic. To allow for this, she practiced knife throwing relentlessly until she became proficient enough in combat. This required little wrist strength and she is able to match her magic to the throwing motion.[9]

