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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Natsuyasumi-hen (魔法科高校の劣等生 夏休み編) is the manga adaption of the 'Summer Holiday Arc' from the 5th light novel. The adaptation is by Yuzuki N' (柚木N’). It was serialised for 14 chapters in Dengeki Daioh, running from November 2016 until December 2017.
After the conclusion of the Nine School Competition, summer vacation arrives and the students of First High have three weeks to relax. The Shiba's and company take a vacation at the Kitiyama holiday home. Morisaki Shun meets a beautiful foreigner in trouble. Amelia and friends visit an amusement park. Ichijou Masaki is troubled by how close his sister and Kichijouji have become. Even a eventful shopping date become memories of the summer.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
A Summer Day Off (1)
It’s summer break and Shizuku and Honoka devise a plan to set up a perfect scenario for Honoka to confess her feelings to Tatsuya. On the way the Shiba siblings meet Shizuku’s father Ushio at the docks and after quick introductions they head to the Kitayama private island. At the private Kitayama beach Leo and Mikihiko have a swimming contest and Tatsuya quietly relaxes on the beach as the girl’s frolic in the water. Erika realises Honoka’s intent and leads the girls in trying to get him into the water. Tatsuya removes his top and the girls are shocked by Tatsuya’s scars. Miyuki quickly wraps her arm around Tatsuya to reassure him it doesn’t bother her and Honoka follows suit and they head to the water.
Later Tatsuya is relaxing and hears a scream. Honoka appears to be drowning and he rescues her and puts her back on the boat despite her resisting him. Honoka has had a wardrobe malfunction and is exposed, Tatsuya quickly looks away. On the beach Honoka is in tears and the others try to calm her down. At Shizuku’s suggestion Honoka says she’ll only accept Tatsuya’s apology if he spends the rest of the day with her.
A Summer Day Off (2)
Honoka is having the time of her life with Tatsuya. For the others however, things have gotten awkward since the fake drowning. The boys get back and notice Tatsuya’s absence. Mikihiko comments they seam to be enjoying themselves and quickly realise their mistake and an angry Miyuki calmly offers frozen fruits to everyone.
Later Shizuku takes Miyuki aside to discuss her relationship with Tatsuya where Miyuki admits her feelings and Shizuku is shocked and slightly overwhelmed by Miyuki’s declaration she died three years earlier and as a result she loves and is completely devoted to Tatsuya but it’s not romantic in nature. Honoka uses the chance to get Tatsuya alone on the beach and confesses her feelings but gets an unexpected reply when Tatsuya states he lacks emotions due to an accident so cannot return her feelings so cannot be with her. Honoka decides to keep liking Tatsuya since it won’t be cheating until she finds another. Next day things have settled down, although Miyuki and Honoka are competing for Tatsuya’s attention, and everyone is having fun.
Honour Student's Supplementary Lesson (1)
After the Nine Schools Competition and Shiba Tatsuya’s contributions knocking his confidence, First Highs Morisaki Shun is training so hard it’s concerning his classmate Takigawa. After a short argument he heads to the city for a break.
There he’s reminded magicians really are a minority when he spots a beautiful young woman who is being tailed by someone. He decides to help and follows her. Morisaki notices magic at work to keep people away and he helps her when she’s attacked by six men. He takes out five in an instant but the sixth is about to shoot him when the girl grabs his arm and he misses the shot, allowing Morisaki to knock him out.
They flee the scene and at the station he discovers she is American college student Ling Richardson and decides to be her bodyguard until she can meet her up with the person she’s meeting.
Honour Student's Supplementary Lesson (2)
Whilst waiting for details on where to meet her acquaintance Ling and Morisaki have a meal and chat. After she gets a message, they head out to the Rainbow Bridge. On route Shun and Ling are harassed by thugs in a park. Morisaki provokes them and thinking he’ll be a pushover since he’s a magician and won’t be able to use magic the lead thug attacks. Morisaki knocks the thug down in hand to hand combat and tries to leave but Ling is upset. The other thugs attack and Morisaki knocks them out with magic.
He and Ling leave but Ling is upset with Shun for not finding a peaceful resolution. He says he had no choice as he is not strong enough to take risks, but he doesn’t enjoy it. They realise something is wrong when CIB agents arrive and tell Morisaki to hand Ling over.
Honor Student's Supplementary Lesson (3)
The officers from the Cabinets Central Information Bureau have Morisaki surrounded and state they will take over guarding Ling and ask him to stop interfering with official business. Morisaki asks Ling but she doesn’t want to go with them so Morisaki refuses since a bodyguard cannot interfere with their client’s business. The men pull out weapons so Morisaki grabs Ling and leaps over the guardrail to escape and using magic to glide to a dock. He uses magic to take out the two magicians among the officers, but one blocks and counter attacks whilst another agent shoots a tranquiliser dart. Morisaki blocks the tranquiliser but is knocked into the water. The officers rush at the now defenceless Ling but Morisaki leaps out of the water and knocks them all out in an instant before collapsing.
With the officers down the magic blocking people’s awareness stops and people suddenly see Morisaki collapsed and hurt among the unconscious officers and seeing he is a magician they are too afraid to help. Ling’s boat is approaching which pleases Morisaki.
Ling is upset he got hurt and asks why he went so far to help her. Morisaki says it might be as she said, that Magicians are just tools for fighting and may enjoy it. Ling breaks into tears as she tells him he’s not a mere tool and is more human than the people just looking on since he risked his safety to help and apologises for being bias against magicians before today. Morisaki reminds her the boat is here and after thanking him she heads off.
On the boat Ling meets with her allies who want to retaliate against Japan for the government’s mistreatment of Ling, but she refuses on grounds of the hospitality shown by Morisaki more than making up for it. Ling is revealed to be the new head of the No Head Dragon crime syndicate.
Next day Morisaki arrives at the club room to find Takigawa who came to apologise for being too harsh the day before. Morisaki thanks her for scolding him since it helped calm him down which takes her by surprise.
Amelia in Wonderland (1)
Amelia Eimi Akechi Goldie (Eimi), a freshman from Frist High, is waiting outside the Wonderland theme park waiting for her friends, having arrived 30 minutes early due to an unexpected call at 5am from her grandmother in Europe. The call had left Eimi perplexed as her grandmother had suggested she study abroad for a few months. Eimi’s friends, Satomi Subaru and Sakurakouji Akaha, arrive together and after some banter the three enter the theme park.
After a while Eimi gets separated from the others and lost in a hedge maze. On the phone Eimi and Subaru discuss using magic to find each other but Akaha stops them reminding them they’ll be punished due to the restrictions on magic. Instead the three agree to meet at a nearby tower which can be seen over the hedges of the maze as the silhouette of a man appears behind Eimi.
Amelia in Wonderland (2)
Whilst Subaru and Akaha casually make their way towards the tower, Eimi is getting into a panic having been unable to make any progress in escaping the maze. Coming to a dead end she decides to use magic to blast the hedge away but is stopped by a Harlequin. Eimi is somewhat nervous until the Harlequin removes his mask to reveal Tomitsuka Hagane, one of her classmates. Eimi is surprised he’s working here, given that he’s ranked fourth in their year overall, as he could make more money as a magician. Tomitsuka advised its family related.
Realising he’s staff Eimi complains about the maze and explains the situation which perplexes Tomitsuka as this area isn’t open to the public and should be maze like, not an actual maze. Realising something is off he gives Eimi permission to destroy a hedge with magic.
After blowing a hole in the hedge Eimi is about to cross through when Tomitsuka stops her. Having realised the hedge is supported by magic Tomitsuka puts his arm in and when the hedge attacks he uses a defensive spell to blow it away. Eimi is shocked to realise it’s Program Demolition. She asks but Tomitsuka admits it’s different as he cannot use ranged attacks, which brings to mind his moniker Range Zero.
As they are about to move the pair find themselves surrounded by men in suits. The men go on to ‘request’ the spell Magic Bullet Tathlum, which was taught to her by her grandmother.
Amelia in Wonderland (3)
Eimi refuses to cooperate so the men all pull out knives to attack but before they can do anything Tomitsuka leaps into action. Closing the gap in an instant Tomitsuka unleashes a dance like attack upon the aggressors before they can react. Whilst the men are focused on him Eimi takes the chance to unleash her own attack, Magic Bullet Tathlum using playing cards, which takes out the remaining men (non-lethally) and leaves only the leader standing. Utterly confused the leader blurts out that the Magic Bullet Tathlum should need round shells. Eimi points out the medium used is a personal thing and from the description she deduces their employer is her second cousin. Tomitsuka points out the leader had passed out on his feet whilst she was talking.
With the fight resolved Eimi apologises for getting Tomitsuka involved. He points out he’s currently staff, so it was his duty and besides he got to see an interesting technique. At this Eimi becomes menacing as it’s a secret technique. Tomitsuka assures her he won’t talk and asks her not to mention the dance like technique of his. At this they pinkie swear to silence, at which point Eimi remembers she needs to cover up the spell so activates her cad, setting the cards ablaze, reducing them to ashes and cauterising the wounds they caused.
Eimi leaves the clean up to Tomitsuka and finally meets up with the girls at the tower. Eating crepes as they discuss the park Eimi finds her mind wondering back to Tomitsuka.
Friendship, Trust and the Dubious Lolicon (1)
Kichijouji Shinkurou is leaving Third High when he bumps into his friend Ichijou Masaki. They start walking home together and Ichijou invites Kichijouji over for dinner. Upon arriving at the Ichijou household they bump into Akane, the elder of Masaki’s sisters. She enthusiastically greets her future husband (at least according to her) and heads off on an errand.
The pair head to Masaki’s room to play a combat training game. After some time, Masaki pauses the game to discuss Kichijouji’s strategies, which Masaki is struggling against. Kichijouji points out the were the ones her just saw used by ‘that guy’ (Shiba Tatsuya). They discuss tactics and Kichijouji agrees Masaki isn’t suited to tricks, but rather the direct approach, but needs to be able counter them. They go on to discuss the First High team and how they didn’t so much fall into their trap as self-destruct, having used the wrong strategy, like Masaki closing on Tatsuya being a mistake.
Akane arrives with three iced teas and casually crashes the duo’s discussion, much to Masaki’s bemusement, and proceeds to make a fuss of Kichijouji. She leaves with the glasses once the drinks are finished and Masaki apologises to Kichijouji for this sister’s behaviour and ends up bringing up his crush Shiba Miyuki, while lamenting her being Tatsuya’s sister.
Trying to steer the conversation away from Miyuki, Kichijouji comments that Akane isn’t that bad. At this Masaki panics, thinking Kichijouji is planning to make a move on her and asks him to at least wait until she’s in middle school. Kichijouji strongly denies the implication he’s a lolicon. Kichijouji asks if Masaki made any progress since he danced with her, but Masaki states until he defeats her brother, he doesn’t feel he can pursue her. At this Kichijouji agrees to help him just as Akane once again invades his room.
Friendship, Trust and the Dubious Lolicon (2)
Akane leads the boys to the table where they join Masaki’s second sister, Ruri, and mother, Midori, for dinner. Kichijouji thanks them for having him over and Midori tells him that the father, Ichijou Gouki is still working.
Akane sits talking to Kichijouji until Masaki interrupts her and she teases that she won’t steal Kichijouji away, but friendship is nothing against the power of love. Masaki is less than pleased to her this from his sister and says she’s too young to which she counters Masaki should get a girlfriend before preaching.
The conversation moves on to Kichijouji moving into a spare room but Kichijouji isn’t comfortable imposing on the Ichijou family, and so turns them down. Kichijouji reflects on the day he met Masaki, the day Masaki rescued him in Sado, and everything since then.
After dinner Akane asks Kichjouji to tutor her and he agrees to visit her one a week to do so. Masaki see’s Kichijouji out and outside they discuss tactics once more until Masaki declares he doesn’t need an advisor as he has Kichijouji. Leaving somewhat embarrassed, Kichijouji resolves to be an advisor worthy of Masaki.
Memories of the Summer (1)
The Shiba’s are enjoying a pleasant day at home together, over iced coffee, as they reflect on their summer breaks ups and downs. Tatsuya recognises Miyuki’s dress as on her bought for her earlier that month and compliments her on it. Thinking back to August 13th, when Tatsuya was visited by Miyuki in his workroom and he asks what she’d like as a reward for showcasing the FLT Flight Device at the NSC and winning in Mirage Bat. She asks for a dress and so the pair go out shopping the next day.
Arriving arm in arm at a high-class clothing shop, initially Miyuki is reluctant having seen the prices but Tatsuya assures her it’s fine and so she takes some dresses to try on while Tatsuya waits. While he’s waiting an employee approaches him to negotiate with Tatsuya to have Miyuki advertise the merchandise. He forbids photography but agrees to have her leave in one of their dresses in exchange for a discount. Miyuki comes out in the first dress of the dresses for feedback and Tatsuya gives her unreserved praise, this continues until the third, more risqué dress and Tatsuya’s response leaves Miyuki and the staff utterly embarrassed.
Memories of the Summer (2)
Returning to August 31st, the Shiba’s continue their conversation and Miyuki comments she really wasn’t expecting three dresses. Tatsuya says he didn’t have her try out 21 dresses for nothing and mentions he would have liked to do more shopping.
Back to August 14th, Miyuki is happily putting on a one-woman fashion show in the store and as a result a lot of customers are being drawn in. Miyuki reaches the final dress and upon getting positive feedback asks for the dress with a smile that no man could resist. Tatsuya then orders two more dresses for home delivery, along with Miyuki’s clothes and she leaves in the new dress as agreed and inciting the boyfriends in the shop to loosen their wallets.
The Shiba’s continue shopping looking like a young couple until they decide to break for lunch at an Italian restaurant. Their entry causes a bit of a stir and they go to their table, with Tatsuya acting like a perfect gentleman. Whilst ordering another couple arrive, an actress and a young man.
Memories of the Summer (3)
The actress, having realised Miyuki is a beauty at a level hard work cannot reach, discusses scouting her with her companion. The producer then goes over to the Shiba’s table, much to Miyuki’s annoyance, and is given the cold shoulder when he tries to scout her. Despite having made it clear she is uninterested the man gets pushy and moves in to touch Miyuki at which point Tatsuya grabs his offending hand and uses a pressure point on the man’s wrist to inflict pain. Annoyed the actress proceeds to leave and the staff step in and ask the man to leave.
At this point the manager apologises for the staff being slow to act and insists on letting them enjoy a free meal. The Shiba’s enjoy an exquisite lunch culminating in a cake with long spoons to feed each other, much to Miyuki’s delight. As they leave Tatsuya insists on paying and the Shiba’s head out.
As they leave the shop the producer blocks the path with four goons. The attempt to intimidate the Shiba’s fails and Tatsuya asks him to leave. The producer launches into a misinformed and prejudice tirade against magicians and the exchange continues to escalate. Tatsuya raises his hands to show he won’t need a CAD for this, and the four goons pull knives and attack but and incapacitated with martial arts in seconds. The producer begins to panic but the police arrive and quickly arrest the five men. Two of the officers speak to the Shiba’s and ask for Miyuki’s autograph.
Returning to August 31st the Shiba’s finish discussing the memory and prepare to head out.
Memories of the Summer (4)
The Shiba siblings arrive at the bank, take a number and wait to be called. Siting next to them is a mother with her two young children, being lively but not disruptive. Just as the mother’s number is called and she heads to the counter four bank robbers rush into the building to rob the place. As one robber demands they hand over the money another hits the emergency switch and a bullet proof barrier drops down and closes off the cashiers. The little girl starts crying and when mother tries to intervene one robber holds her at gun point whilst another storms over to shut the girl up. Her brother tries to protect his sister but just as the man is about to punch the boy the man’s arm is frozen. Confused the men gather but quickly find their feet frozen in place. Realising it’s a magician they turn to see an angry Miyuki. One of the robbers pulls his feet free of his shoes and tries to run but Tatsuya trips him at which point the police arrive and arrest the men.
After the men are taken away the mother calms the children and they thank Miyuki and she compliments the boy for being a great big brother. The manager them comes across and apologises at which point the three go into a back room for Tatsuya to update his accounts ID after which the siblings head home hand in hand.
Next day the Shiba’s meet their friends on the way to school as everyone heads for campus and the start of the second semester.