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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Daburu Sebun-hen (魔法科高校の劣等生 ダブルセブン編) is the manga adaption of the 'Double Seven Arc' from the 12th light novel. The adaptation is by Kitaumi Tsuna (きたうみつな). It was serialised in GFantasy Magazine from September 2016 and ran for 32 chapters, finishing in July 2019.
April, 2096. Despite all the commotion they were involved in, Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki have safely advanced to become second years. In light of all of Tatsuya's accomplishments, a new curriculum known as the Magical Engineering Course has been established, granting him a new place in school. With his new classes and position as acting student council Vice President, Tatsuya is certain that this year for sure, he'll be able to enjoy a peaceful time at school with his sister...until three new students from elite Numbered families raise hell as first years!!
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
The Second Spring
It’s February 2096. At the former Institute 4’s ‘Dead Magician Plant’ Sakurai Minami has just completed her final Yotsuba Guardian trial and is called to the Yotsuba Mansion by Yotsuba Maya where she is told she passed and is assigned to be the Guardian of Shiba Miyuki and is to head to Tokyo once she graduates middle school.
April 2096 at the Shiba residence Tatsuya is trying on his new blazer for Miyuki now he is a member of the new Magical Engineering Department. Tatsuya reflects on Minami’s presence and is reminded of Honami who died protecting him in Okinawa. They discuss the new term over tea and the fact the new student representative is not one of the Saegusa Twins but Shippou Takuma.
Later they head to the Kitayama residence to a party to celebrate Shizuku’s return. They meet up with Honoka and Shizuku and they introduce Minami. Shizuku’s father Ushio greets them and the girls head for the desserts table leaving Tatsuya behind. Shizuku’s mother, Benio asks if Tatsuya is the one Honoka likes and why he turned her down over summer break.
The People Of The Kitayama Family
Shizuku’s mother is concerned Tatsuya is trying to take advantage of Honoka since she is from an elemental bloodline. She states she had the Shiba’s investigated and found nothing. Tatsuya refuses to elaborate and she gets angry and raises her voice. Shizuku’s father steps in and Shizuku apologises and Tatsuya re-joins the group.
Shizuku’s little brother Wataru introduced himself and asks if a non-magician can become a magic technician. Tatsuya states no but he can learn theory and make CAD’s to help his sister out. Benio explains to her husband she thinks Tatsuya is too talented and this brings misfortune in the world of magic, Ushio reassures her he’ll protect them if the worst should happen. Shizuku’s cousin comes to greet Shizuku and introduces his fiancé Sawamura Maki.
Actress (I)
Shizuku exchange greetings with Maki and Honoka recognises her as a famous actress. The Shiba’s immediately lose interest and try to move away when Maki addresses them by name. Tatsuya is immediately suspicious, and Maki explains she recognises them from last year’s Nine Schools Competition. She invites them to a salon but Tatsuya and Miyuki decline and take their leave. Minami glances back and sees Maki looking very angry.
After the party Maki is taken home by her fiancé and meets with Shippou Takuma and gave a report on the party and discuss making allies out of them and Takuma’s plan to make a ‘new world order.’ Maki seems upset about something though.
Actress (II)
Maki tells Shippou that the Shiba’s will be hard to recruit as they have a special relationship with Saegusa Mayumi. She reports Miyuki is the current Vice President but apparently has a huge brother complex. Shippou vows to take them down.
At the Hori River in Nagoya two girls, Yami and Yoru are observing a secret meeting between a former mercenary and a reporter. Yoru uses ‘Pseudo Instant Movement Magic’ to transport Yami to the boat. She enters the cabin to see a room of armed men. Using a brass knuckle chapped CAD, she neutralises all the men with ‘Direct Pain’ and moves on to suppress the men at the meeting.
Yoru joins Yami and they discuss the identities of the people they knocked out. The armed men are Humanists from the UNSA and the reporter is connected to a Magician hating Diet Member. Support arrives for Yami and Yoru and they accidentally let slip Yami is a man using a crossdressing disguise. Yami gets flustered but Yoru tells them to stop before the blunder reaches the clan heads ears.
In Yokohama Zhou finishes up business for the day. He reflects the restaurant business allows him to move freely across borders whether the GAA or Japan. Money is power, and he wants to weaken both Governments. He thinks back to his involvement in the Yokohama Incident and how it led to the death of one of the Thirteen Apostles and weakened the GAA.
Zhou is part of the Anti-Magician movement and works for Master Heigu who communicates using a corpse as a proxy. He reports that the reporters and Humanists were captured. Heigu commands Zhou to use the media to manipulate the politicians.
A New Year
It’s the start of the new academic year and the Shiba’s are making their way to First High when Tatsuya detects a hostile gaze on Miyuki. Tracing it he sees Shippou Takuma, who then makes himself scarce.
Arriving at school the siblings meet up with their friends and discuss the class changes with Mikihiko promoted to Course One, Tatsuya and Mizuki moving to the new engineering department (Class 2-E), and Erika and Leo moving to 2-F.
After some friendly banter the classmates head to class with Leo and Erika chatting through the window to Tatsuya and Mizuki. Erika detects Hirakawa Chiaki’s hostile stare on Tatsuya and is aggravated at her unrepentant attitude, but Tatsuya tells her to ignore Hirakawa. Tomitsuka Hagane comes over to introduce himself to Tatsuya, much to Erika’s surprise, as he is a top student.
Amy bursts into the room to see Tomitsuka and she greets Tatsuya and company and is very over familiar with everyone, insisting on being called by her nickname before trying to get Tomitsuka to do the same. Tomitsuka sees Hirakawa and makes an escape, to Amy’s chagrin, but Erika gives Amy a push and she quickly heads over to talk to Tomitsuka some more. Whilst waiting for class Mizuki and Tatsuya begin to speculate on the new teacher who arrives quickly and introduces herself as Jennifer Smith, and Tatsuya ponders if she’s in a similar position to Tsuzura Sensei.
The Freshman Representative
During the lunch break the Student Council, consisting of Azusa, Isori, Honoka and the Shiba’s gather along with Mikihiko, Shizuku and Kanon from the Public Morals Committee meet for lunch and discuss the rehearsal for the Entrance Ceremony for the freshmen. They discuss the speech and how nerve-wracking it is, which leads to the Shiba’s getting overfamiliar and making the others uncomfortable. Mikihiko moves the conversation on to Shippou Takuma, the student representative, who seems to have ruffled the feathers of the people who have met him.
That evening Tatsuya and Miyuki discuss meeting Shippou and how it turned out less than friendly. Flashing back to after school Nakajou introduces Shippou to the Student Council members and he exchanges greeting with Isori but when Tatsuya introduces himself next Shippou’s attitude is rude and dismissive of the Engineering Course. Tatsuya just assumes it’s because the Shippou aren’t fond of CAD’s, but Miyuki takes offense on Tatsuya’s behalf and as Shippou turns to introduce himself to Miyuki the group find the ‘Snow Queen’ has descended.
Seven and Seven (I)
Very angry at his rudeness, Miyuki gives a curt introduction to Shippou. Frustrated at having been intimidated returns the greeting whilst Tatsuya watches on.
Back to the discussion that evening Tatsuya and Miyuki discuss the situation and Miyuki brings up the events of last April to dissuade Tatsuya from ignoring the situation. Tatsuya states he doubts it’ll be like that as Shippou is one of the 28 Houses and seems determined to get promoted to the Ten Master Clans due to the rivalry with the Saegusa family. The siblings then debate which of them is the target of his ire, each believing it the other, despite having not interfered with him in any way, so Tatsuya points out as they have attained recognition, they are an obstacle to his ambitions.
Seven and Seven (II)
It’s the day of the opening ceremony and the Student Council meet for a final rehearsal. Tatsuya introduces Minami to the others and the atmosphere is still tense between Shippou and Miyuki. Tatsuya heads out as planned to guide the new students to the auditorium.
After getting outside Tatsuya quickly bumps into Mayumi, who has a much more mature air about her than usual. They start chatting casually and Tatsuya teases her a little, leading Mayumi to get a little closer to him without realising. Saegusa Kasumi sees this and misunderstands and starts shouting. Realising the issue Mayumi tries to back off but slips, forcing Tatsuya to catch her. At this Kasumi launches herself at Tatsuya with magic but he casually catches her by the knee, raises her over him like a ballerina and then lets her fall to the ground. Izumi manages to use magic to catch her sister in time to avoid injury before rushing over to check she’s ok. Tatsuya realised they are the Saegusa Twins as the pair glare at him.
Twins (I)
Tatsuya and the Saegusa Twins continue their stare down until Kasumi tries to attack again, despite Izumi telling her not to, but Mayumi smacks her on the head before she can activate a spell. She then proceeds to give them both a scolding over the incident before all three apologise to Tatsuya. The incident is starting to draw attention from passers-by so Tatsuya accepts the apology and agrees to let them off the hook this time since Kasumi hadn’t intended to injure him and would have stopped short of his face, shocking all three. As he leaves Tatsuya calls Pixie, the robot maid to hack the system and delete the data of the incident.
Tatsuya resumes his patrol and finds a lost student, Smith Kento. Realising his terminal is an old USNA model, Tatsuya installs a GPS map function as a temporary fix. Kento asks Tatsuya if he’s really Shiba Tatsuya and when Tatsuya confirms Kento gets really excited to meet his role model.
Twins (II)
In the auditorium the Saegusa twins discuss Tatsuya as Kasumi has no idea who he is, much to the annoyance of Izumi who explains Tatsuya is the undefeatable engineer from the Nine Schools competition whose contestants only lost to each other, as well as helping Mayumi in Crowdball. Kasumi is shocked by all this whilst Izumi is concerned by how friendly their sister Mayumi is with him.
Shippou gives his speech and afterwards the members of the Student Council are busy with their duties, but Miyuki is being monopolised by the politician Kouzuke, who wouldn’t leave, much to everyone’s, including the faculties, annoyance. Mayumi steps in to rescue Miyuki under the pretence of introducing her sisters, at which point Kouzuke finally leaves.
With Kouzuke gone, Mayumi then introduces her sisters and Izumi completely loses composure and launches into a bluster of praise and asks Miyuki if she’ll be her big sister. Minami heads this off by pointing out the only way that can happen is if Mayumi marries Tatsuya and asks him for confirmation. Kasumi is outraged at the suggestion and objects vehemently. Mayumi, at the end of her tether, apologises for her sisters and drags them home.
Meanwhile Isori and Azusa invite Shippou to join the Student Council, as tradition dictates, but he declines the invitation, stating he wants to focus on practical skills. Isori accepts the decline and Shippou leaves, Nakajou however isn’t taking it well. As Shippou is leaving he thinks back to Maki’s words that the Shiba’s are related to the Saegusa and resolves himself.
An Invitation and Rejection
After the ceremony the Shiba’s meet up with their friends at Einebrise and the conversation turns to Shippou declining invitation to the Student Council. Miyuki jokingly suggests Minami as a replacement until it’s mentioned the logical choice is the person in second place and Saegusa twins are mentioned as holding the next highest grades on the entrance exams, though Miyuki is less than thrilled.
A bit later Tatsuya goes to the washroom and is followed by Mikihiko. Mikihiko tells Tatsuya that Erika is related to the Rosen family, her grandfather having eloped to Japan, and is concerned about the new head of the Japanese branch, who is her mother’s cousin.
Meanwhile Hattori visits Azusa to discuss Shippou’s refusal to join the Student Council and discuss implementing a similar grooming system for the Club Activities Chairmen. They discuss replacements for the new member of the Student Council but when Hattori see’s the pictures of the Saegusa Twins he gets flustered and leaves.
April 10th. The Saegusa sisters meet with the Student Council to discuss joining the group. Izumi agrees but Kasumi is dead against it. Everyone is a little concerned Miyuki will get mad when Kasumi is rude to Tatsuya, but Miyuki seems to be finding it endearing (because Kasumi is so against Mayumi and Tatsuya having a relationship).
Kasumi is in the canteen later when Ono Sensei comes to talk to her. She brings up the Public Morals Committee and uses Kasumi’s rivalry with Tatsuya to convince her to join.
Club recruitment week is in full swing and the Shiba’s are waiting on standby with Hattori and Kirihara when a call comes in that there is a disturbance near the robotics club so the Shiba’s head out.
The disturbances is being caused by the Motorcycle and Robotics clubs fighting over who will recruit Kento. Shippou and Tomitsuka arrive just before the Shiba’s and try to diffuse the situation whilst Tatsuya talks to Kento. As Kasumi arrives on scene Tatsuya sends Kento on his way. Seeing Kasumi, Shippou immediately tells her to leave, she doesn’t, and things escalate almost to the point of a fight until Tomitsuka steps in to stop them.
That evening Kasumi is venting to Izumi about the incident with Shippou and how antagonistic he’s being. Mayumi joins them and realising Kasumi got into a fight with Shippou she discusses his family and how the father is very careful and dependable, the opposite of his son. They wonder what Shippou Takumi is planning and who is backing him.
Meanwhile their father, Saegusa Kouichi, is meeting with the actress Sawamura Maki to have a discussion over dinner. They discuss the Humanist movement and Maki brings up non-combat uses for magic and asks for permission scouting struggling magicians. Kouichi has already realised she has an ulterior motive, and states as such, but agrees on the condition she leaves the Saegusa alone.
With negotiations concluded Maki leaves and Kouichi calls Kudou Retsu to discuss the Humanist movement and his plan to use them to weaken the Yotsuba. Kudou states he’s not in a position to give permission but also won’t interfere.
The Kuroba Family
The Kuroba twins visit the Shiba household and the four sit down to talk whilst Minami waits on them. After some pleasantries and confirming it’s ok to talk in front of Minami the conversation turns to the Humanists. They discuss the organisation and its true goals, and the propaganda being used against First High, as well as the conspiracy between the Saegusa and the Kudou. At the end Tatsuya compliments the Kuroba for their skill, which embarrasses Fumiya.
At the Magic University Mayumi meets with Juumonji over lunch to talk. They discuss the anti-magician propaganda in the media and Juumonji points out it seems to be coming from two sources, one of which is the Saegusa. Mayumi is infuriated by the suggestion and argues her father wouldn’t betray the clans. Mayumi asks Juumonji to visit her home that evening to talk to her father directly.
That evening Juumonji directly questions Kouichi and he compliments Juumonji for finding out, leaving Mayumi is horrified. Kouichi states he’s doing it to essentially divide public opinion to counter the other party. Juumonji is not convinced and asks him to stop, Koichi refuses and tells Juumonji to make an official complaint. After Juumonji leaves Mayumi comes back to continue debating the issue, until Kouichi tells her Kudou Retsu is aware of the plan and when he challenges her over who she’s really concerned over she gets flustered, ending the debate.
Stellar Furnace (I)
Since their visit, Tatsuya has been reviewing the propaganda in the media and contemplating what the Kuroba twins told him. One evening he receives a call from Ayako at home. Getting straight to the point Ayako informs him the politician Kanda is going to make a surprise visit to First High with reporters. Tatsuya thanks her for the information.
Next day Tatsuya meets with Isori and Azusa to discuss Kanda’s visit. Isori is especially angry, having realised Kanda’s real long-term goal is to forcibly separate magicians and the military. Miyuki then passes out copies of Tatsuya’s plan and they discuss countering Kanda with an experiment, the Stellar Furnace, which is the opposite of the type Ichihara suggested the year before. Initially the pair are sceptical, but Tatsuya assures them if they get help from the other students then they can pull it off. He then waits for a response from President Nakajou, whose eyes have not left the proposal she was handed.
Stellar Furnace (II)
Azusa readily agrees with Tatsuya’s proposal and both she and Isori are on board with the plan. The next step is to get permission from the staff, so Tatsuya sees his teacher, Jennifer Smith, in the faculty room. After discussing the goals and safety of the experiment Smith gives provisional permission.
After school, Tatsuya returns to the student council room and reports they have permission so long as a teacher supervises the project at which point the teacher in question, Tsuzura Sensei, arrives. The student council sit down to discuss the experiment with Tsuzura, and he asks who Tatsuya has in mind for each role. Tatsuya lists off, Honoka for gamma ray filtration, Isori to handle Coulomb repulsion, Minami for the neutron barrier and Miyuki for gravity control. They discuss Nakajou covering the fourth-phase shift spell, but Tatsuya advises he wants the president supervising everything. Izumi then volunteers to do it alongside Kasumi, to which Tatsuya and Tsuzura agree. This throws Izumi as she didn’t expect Tatsuya to know the twins can synchronise, Tatsuya puts off that discussion for another time and takes charge, stating the group can make the experiment a success if everyone pitches in.
Azusa was especially nervous about completing the project but the Shiba’s were confident and the project steadily advances over four days until the final test on the 24th, which is completed without incident. Upon returning to the Student Council Room they find Shizuku waiting. She gives Honoka some encouragement and so Honoka gives Tatsuya a birthday present. Shizuku then asks permission to throw a party at the weekend, to which Tatsuya agrees.
On the way home Miyuki asks Tatsuya for some time and they head to a café whilst Minami heads straight home. They go to a café and Tatsuya can tell something is off, so asks if she’s upset Honoka gave him a present, flustering Miyuki who says that’s not it, but she does feel she lost the initiative.
After coming home and getting changed Tatsuya comes down to the living room to find Minami, Miyuki and a small feast waiting for him. Realising Miyuki was stalling for time earlier, Tatsuya thanks the two and they have a little birthday party.
Late that evening, in his room, Tatsuya opens Honoka’s present to discover an expensive Kitiyama brand watch, and realises it was originally from Shizuku. Miyuki arrives at this point, dressed very elegantly, with champagne. Since it was just the two of them previously, she wants some time alone with Tatsuya, without Minami. Miyuki also gives Tatsuya his present, a locket containing her picture, which leaves him a bit baffled.
Shippou Takuma arrives home near midnight to find himself being summoned by his father, Shippou Takumi. The father asks about school, but the conversation quickly devolved into an argument, as Takuma believes they should be more aggressive in attaining a place within the Ten Master Clans, with his father telling Takuma to stop obsessing over it and the Saegusa. Takuma refuses, citing the view the Saegusa only have their position due to stealing the research of Institute 3 before transferring to the 7th. The discussion ends with the father telling the son of Kanda’s visit and to not get involved, just leave it to the Saegusa.
The time for Kanda’s visit arrives and he debates with Principle Momoyama over the phone to be allowed to observe the school. After some deliberation the Principle Momoyama agrees to let Kanda observe the Stellar Furnace experiment during fifth period. Jennifer Smith then leads Kanda’s group to the experiment whilst the reporters worry maybe someone tipped the school off to the visit.
The Light of Possibility
Kanda’s group arrive at the experimental site, welcomes by some cold looks from the students. As the students set up and move the apparatus outside, Tsuzura Sensei answers questions for the guests, explaining the experiment is to challenge one of the three great puzzles of weight type magic, not weapons research as one of the reporters insinuated.
Once the apparatus is outside the students perform to experiment as planned in front of most of the students and Kanda’s group, with Tatsuya directing the proceedings with a megaphone. As the experiment reaches its apex and emits the light, showing the reaction is occurring, Kento reads off the numbers and confirms the experiments results. Once the experiment is carefully shut down the megaphone is handed to a reluctant President Azusa who declares the experiment a success.
While the students celebrating the experiments success, Kanda’s group are a little confused and ask what they just saw. Tsuzura explains it was a gravity controlled nuclear reaction. The reporters suggest it’s like the explosion used in Scorched Halloween but Tsuzura refutes them, stating such complex control isn’t needed for weapons, just like the Brazilian SCM and Synchro Linear Fusion, so this research is for non-combat use. He then presses Kanda for a comment and Kanda agrees it’s good they’re looking to contribute to society that way. Tsuzura confirms he’s ok to use the quote he recorded. After Kanda leaves Smith and Tsuzura discuss Tsuzura’s actions and whilst admitting he may have gone too far, he’s glad that the students are taking action to change things.
Next day Tatsuya is reading the press and is surprised to see how much more positive the media is being towards magicians overall. He confesses he was planning to do some media manipulation of his own but can’t now, to Miyuki’s amusement, and they comment how well received the experiment was by some of Kanda’s reporters. Kanda’s civil rights party meanwhile has received a formal complaint from Momoyama about the visit and so Kanda was no longer able to pursue his agenda.
At lunch the Shiba’s and company are eating lunch in the canteen when an interview is played by the Rosen branch head, who is very supportive of the experiment, which was a surprise as they rarely give interviews in Japan.
After school Takuma is leaving class when he overhears people discussing the experiment and the Saegusa twin’s participation which frustrates him greatly. Leaving the building he spots Kasumi who is on patrol and lays into her about their successful plot to take advantage of Kana’s visit by using the Shiba’s. Kasumi’s confused by his allegations but when he then accuses the Saegusa sisters of seducing Tatsuya to get their way she loses her cool and the two draw their CADs, ready to fight.
Competition for Pride (I)
Kasumi and Takuma are about to face when Shizuku and Morisaki call out from behind them, telling them to stop. Seeing Morisaki hasn’t drawn his CAD Takuma tries to attack but is taken down by Morisaki’s, ‘Drawless’ technique.
Gathered in the Public Morals Headquarters are Kanon, Shizuku and Morisaki, along with Hattori and Tomitsuka from the Club Committee and Tatsuya from the Student Council. Kanon makes it clear Shippou and Kasumi are in deep trouble, facing suspension, or even expulsion in Takuma’s case, and demands an explanation. Both immediately said the other insulted their respective families. Kanon asks Hattori for his thoughts and as their subordinates are involved, they pass the book to Tatsuya who suggests a duel, in line with Mari’s policy the year before, to avoid the issue continuing to proliferate. Takuma demands Izumi be included too due to the Saegusa twins only being at their best together and Kasumi agrees.
A little later all parties are prepared for the duel and meet in the Seminar room for the mock battle, with both Shiba’s, Shizuku and Honoka and Tomitsuka present to observe. Tatsuya lays out the rules for the match, with the format being no contact, direct or by weapons, but remote weapons are allowed, remain in the coloured zone or be disqualified and no lethal attacks. He also states he will stop things if they get out of hand and begins the match.
Competition for Pride (II)
The Saegusa vs Shippou match begins with Kasumi launching concentrated blasts of air at Shippou whilst he counters with a physical shield. He attacks Izumi with Air Bullet, but she blocks with Area Interference. Observing Honoka and Shizuku discuss how unrefined the spells being used by the three, showing how to have got by on raw talent alone rather than skill. Takuma getting frustrated by his lack of progress contemplates using his trump card.
Competition for Pride (III)
Takuma contemplates using his trump card and is confident it won’t be stopped but, due to the risk of injury, is concerned Tatsuya will disqualify him. He blocks an attack by Kasumi but is hit by the after affects and loses balance, sending the spell he was casting astray, but its effect ends up hitting the twins, giving Takuma an idea of how to win. He launches seven Air Bullets at Izumi at once, using the rear six to propel the blast from the first at Izumi. Kasumi pushes her aside at the last moment and while the two are still on the floor Takuma launches a sonic attack at the pair, but Izumi blocks it with a vacuum gap.
Taking a moment whilst Izumi’s shield protects them the Saegusa twins realise they need to get serious and use their ability to synchronise with one another. They attack with Nitrogen Storm, with one controlling and one boosting, to overpower Takuma by suffocating him. Looking on Miyuki and Tatsuya discuss the spell, stating both that it’s impressive they can use it but at the same time it is far from mastered and contemplates their unique ability to synchronise spell casting.
Takuma realises he’ll lose if he doesn’t use it and so launches his trump card, Million Edge. Using a book as a medium the pages shred into a million slithers of paper and launches them at the Saegusa twins.
Million Edge
Takuma launches his Trump card Million Edge and the Saegusa twins defend with Heat Storm, to burn up the paper scraps, whist maintaining the attacking Nitrogen Storm. Seeing things getting out of hand Tatsuya calls for them to stop but the three continue. Realising Takuma will be asphyxiated, and the twins sliced up if he doesn’t intervene, Tatsuya raises his CAD and with a single shot, cancels all their spells, shocking the freshman and ending the match.
The match is over, and Tatsuya declares that both sides are disqualified and lost. Kasumi objects and so Tatsuya explains it’s because they broke the non-lethal rule. Izumi interjects and points out if controlled Nitrogen Storm isn’t lethal unlike Million edge. Tatsuya points out they were no longer able to control it to that extent. At this Takuma explodes claiming he would have won as they would be incapacitated first. Tatsuya points out that would mean he sliced up two freshman girls, so arguably that makes it his loss as the spell Million Edge was overkill. Tatsuya continues to calmly rebuke Takuma’s arguments until Takuma snaps and calls Tatsuya a ‘weed.’ Tatsuya calmly asserts it’s him Takuma has taken issue with and Takuma claims Tatsuya bias.
Tomitsuka interrupts and tries to talk Takuma down but he continues to insist the Saegusa were at fault, not him. Fed up Kasumi tells Tatsuya to just give Shippou the win and admits the match got out of hand but refutes that they lost control and leaves. Izumi is unsure how to react but Tatsuya tells her to tell Kasumi he’ll take her on any time. Realising he’s being considerate Izumi she thanks him and admits her opinion of him, as Miyuki’s bother, has improved slightly and leaves.
Takuma then rounds on Tatsuya and resumes the argument he didn’t lose control and demands a match to prove it. Miyuki is ready to blow but before anyone can react Tomitsuka punches Takuma, flooring him and demands to know who the hell Takuma thinks he is. Fed up of Takuma’s snobbery for being one of the 28 Houses, Tomitsuka insists on a duel, assuming one of the Hundred isn’t too inferior an opponent.
Miyuki quickly steps into calm things by pointing out they’d need permission first and Tatsuya tells Takuma he won’t fight him reminds Tomitsuka he needs to report to Hattori first, then leaving closing down to Honoka, he and Miyuki leave.
Invisible Dark Clouds
No long after Honoka has returned to the Student Council Room from cleaning up after the match Hattori arrives and apologetically asks for permission for another match between Takuma and Tomitsuka. Commenting he may need to take a firmer stance against Takuma’s attitude, since he’d be a valuable talent if he calmed down. He says Tomitsuka insisted it be him humbling Takuma, so Hattori decided to leave it this time to him. Isori also vouches for Tomitsuka so Azusa agrees to find a slot the day after tomorrow as requested whilst commenting Hattori is starting to remind her of Juumonji.
At home that evening Miyuki notices something bothering Tatsuya and sits down to talk to him. Tatsuya states he’s concerned about Takuma as his behaviour is illogical for one obsessed with getting into the Ten Master Clans. Miyuki agrees then realises Tatsuya’s meaning and asks if maybe Takuma is being manipulated.
Minami arrives with drinks and Tatsuya asks her for her opinion too. Minami states he’s like a wild animal lashing out blindly at everything around him as to affirm he’s the strongest. Miyuki speculates it might be how the Shippou are raised but Tatsuya rebukes this as his father is extremely discreet, so it’d be the opposite. Minami adds maybe someone’s feeding his ego, to which Miyuki furthers by suggesting maybe he’s being used by someone. Tatsuya decides he needs to keep an eye on things but that it isn’t yet enough of an issue to involve Kokonoe or the Kuroba.
Almost on queue Fujibayashi calls to discuss the issue with Shippou and confirms Minami and Miyuki can overhear. Tatsuya is initially confused as to how she knows but then realises the Military have an observer to keep tabs on their SCM. Bringing it back to Shippou Takuma, Fujibayashi asks for assistance in the investigation the next time he visits his supporter, since the Military have a non-interference issue when it comes to domestic matters, which won’t apply to Tatsuya. Tatsuya agrees and they end the call.
Elsewhere Zhou Gongjin is reviewing the results of his media manipulation and has realised despite the impact of the Stellar Furnace experiment and Rosen’s interview the levels aren’t where they should be, and as such someone in the Media hasn’t upheld the agreement to support the anti-magician propaganda. Deciding an example must be made he makes a call to arrange some retribution.
The Person Who Crossed the Line
The following day at First high rumours are flying around as to the reason for Takuma’s absence after the incident the day before. The actual reason is because he needs to prepare his medium for Million Edge for his duel with Tomitsuka.
Meanwhile Zhou meets with Robert Sun to request the assassination of Sawamura Maki, the daughter of Sawamura Yoshio who had broken his deal with Zhou. He also provides Sun with Antinite and weapons on the off chance Shippou is there.
That evening Takuma visits Maki, unaware he’s being observed my Tatsuya, Fujibayashi and Sanada. They joke about wanting to recruit Shippou as they watch through the security cameras. Tatsuya asks the reason they are intervening. Fujibayashi states dealing with Takuma isn’t enough as people like those from Blanche will just move to the next person to manipulate, so they need targeting instead. As Takuma arrives at Maki’s apartment the three begin to listen in.
Realising Takuma is in a foul mood Maki decides to have a light meal so he can cool off a bit and after they finish Takuma tells her about the match and his belief that he should have won had it not been called off. Maki consoles him by agreeing he should have won and saying it was just bad luck and even she has bad days. She keeps talking him down, playfully adding in a bit of seduction until Takuma suddenly loses control and pushes her down.
Things are rapidly heating up between Maki and Takuma. Realising the recordings could be used for blackmail Tatsuya decides to step in before it becomes an actual crime and would damage the school’s reputation if used as a negotiation tool.
Maki hears something on her balcony and quickly raises the alarm but as he looks up a projectile hits Takuma and knocks him out with a sleeping drug. Maki’s bodyguards rush into the room but are knocked unconscious in seconds by Tatsuya. Turning his attention onto Maki he suggests he cover up. Maki tries to take control of the situation using seduction but fails instantly when he dismisses her. She tries again by casually revealing she knows its Tatsuya and again fails when he simply moves onto negotiation and plays the recording of her and Takuma and comments it’d be problematic for her if it were released to the media. She demands his terms and he tells her that she’s to simply stop manipulating Takuma and anyone high school aged or younger. He doesn’t care about her plans and adults are free to make their own decisions, just don’t interfere with his surroundings. Maki is taken aback he’d go so far for so little and realises he doesn’t fear the state at all. Concluding negotiations Tatsuya leaves.
On the roof Tatsuya spots a suspicious blimp and calls Fujibayashi who tells him it’s from a media outlet. Realising all was for naught if the scandal happens anyway so the three decide to act just as a rope ladder is lowered. Tatsuya jumps into the balloon and seeing guns he realises they’re not reporters. He deconstructs their guns and when they use Antinite he guns them down with his magic. One pulls a detonator out and hits the switch as Tatsuya leaps from the blimp. Realising the damage the debris will do, Tatsuya decomposes the entire blimp and hits the roof with force, forcing Regrowth to kick in. Reporting back to Fujibayashi and Sanada and heads out.
Back in China Town, Zhou receives the report about the blimp and immediately recognises the spell responsible as Demon’s Right, the spell used by Mahesvera. Realising he’ll need to be dealt with, but the ultimate goal is revenge against the Yotsuba.
Playing with Real Power (I)
It’s time for Tomitsuka and Takuma’s match, with Hattori as judge and Kirihara, Sawaki, Mikihiko and the Shiba’s watching. As Hattori goes over the rules Tatsuya observes the pair and notices Takuma doesn’t seem worse for wear from the previous match or the incident with Maki. Looking at Tomitsuka he notices his outfit and CAD are specialised for magical martial arts, meaning he’s serious.
Miyuki queries as to the presence of the other three and Tatsuya explains as Million Edge is being allowed, they are here to forcibly end the match if it gets out of hand. Tatsuya then reflects on the situation that this is a special case and only allowed as Tomitsuka requested Takuma be allowed to use the spell.
Hattori signals the start of the match and Takuma launches Million Edge in an instant and attack Tomitsuka just stands there and takes it. Suddenly there’s a burst of Psion Light which shocks everyone but the Shiba’s. Takuma’s spell was completely blocked by Tomitsuka’s contact Gram Demolition. Miyuki then explains this to Sawaki and Mikihiko as Tatsuya watches the match.
Playing with Real Power (II)
Shocked his initial attack failed Takuma fires of seven Air Bullets thinking it’ll work like it did against the Saegusa sisters and then tries to flank but is headed off by Tomitsuka and takes a punch to the stomach and thrown to the floor. As he gets back up Takuma sees the look of disdain on Tomitsuka’s face as he looks down at Takuma without following up and goes all out with Million Edge. Tomitsuka casually blocks with Contact Gram Demolition to find a second wave encircling him, which Tomitsuka, again, casually blocks. Takuma is stunned as Tomitsuka casually closes in and deals the finishing blow. At this Hattori calls the match. With the match over Tomitsuka confirms Takuma is conscious and then walks up to Tatsuya and requests a match.
Two Flawed Magicians
Tatsuya is confused by the request for a match but Hattori and Tomitsuka state they want to show a battle between two truly skilled magicians to Takuma. Tatsuya tries to refute that a match between Hattori and Tomisuka is more fitting for this, but Miyuki backs them up by saying setting an example needs to be done by the Student Council. Realising her irritation with Takuma was at dangerous levels Tatsuya agrees. With Tatsuya onboard Miyuki quickly cleans the paper scraps with a complex spell likes it’s nothing to the admiration of the others and shocking Takuma. Tatsuya hands Miyuki his coat and takes position for the match.
Hattori signals the start of the match and Tomitsuka charges at Tatsuya, who pulls back and uses Mist Dispersion to no avail. Miyuki is shocked by this, but Tatsuya expected it and dodges as Tomitsuka closes in. Tatsuya keep dodging as he analyses Tomitsuka’s cloud of Psions.
Watching on Kirihara and Sawaki are impressed by the sheer skill of the two, whilst Mikihiko look to see Miyuki silently watching on. Takuma however is utterly shocked by what’s happening, the advanced techniques being used and the way they’re being used to counter each other.
The match continues, and just as Tomitsuka is about to land a blow Tatsuya blocks the spell and hijacks the remnants of the destroyed spell to springboard the launch of his own spell to escape, shocking the audience. Tomitsuka continues the offensive but is getting rattled as Tatsuya is slowly thinning his Psions, which should be impossible given the condition that rendered him unable to use ranged magic, and so he resolves to use his trump card and powers up.
Self Marionette
Having powered up with Self Marionette Tomitsuka launches another attack on Tatsuya leading with a faint and then smacking Tatsuya in the head, sending him flying. The observers are impressed by Tomitsuka’s ruthlessness and how Tatsuya deliberately got blown away to minimise damage. Sawaki explains the spell works by relaxing the body and controlling it like a puppet with magic.
Tomitsuka resumes the attack as Tatsuya is getting up but the spell made Tomitsuka’s armour structured and so vulnerable. Tatsuya sees this with Elemental Sight and uses Gram Dispersion to destroy the wall of Psions protecting Tomitsuka before launching a high-powered magic bullet into Tomitsuka, blowing him back and taking him out of the match. Hattori calls the match and Tatsuya helps Tomitsuka up as Takuma runs out of the room.
Power Beyond Reach
Takuma stops by a tree behind the robotics club room and hits a tree in frustration at the match he just saw. Kasumi walks up to him to stop him and dresses the wound. She brings up his loss and Takuma lets out his frustration about how ridiculously strong they are despite only a years difference, he just can’t fathom why. Kasumi suggests the reason might simply be its sheer hard work, rather than the talent she and Takuma have. Meanwhile in the Student council room Tatsuya has Pixie hack the school’s records to alter the records of the secret techniques he used.
Late one night in China Town, at the behest of Saegusa Kouichi, Nakura arrives at a meeting with Zhou Gongjin. The two sit down over a meal and discuss cooperating together. Meanwhile at the Shiba residence Tatsuya bids Miyuki goodnight and settling down at his desk receives a call from Fujibayashi. She tells him the men in the blimp were remnants of the No Head Dragon and that there appears to be an unknown mastermind as the means used would have been beyond the men in question. To which Tatsuya hopes the situation doesn’t escalate into a bigger mess.