Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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The Isshiki (一色, lit. first color) Family is one of the 18 Assistant Houses, bearing the number One (一) in their name.


The Isshiki Family are part of 18 Assistant Houses and together with the Ichijou, Ichinokura and Ichihana Family are from the First Institute, where the research focus was producing Combat Magicians with "Magic that Directly Interferes with Living Organisms" for World War Three and are also referred to as the "Magicians of the One"[1]

As such, each families held a different specialty in Magic that interferes with bodily functions that affects them or their enemies: The Ichihana now known as the Ichihara Family after becoming an Extra specializes in interference with nerves. The Ichijou Family's specialty is interference with body fluids. The Ichinokura Family’s specialty magic is interference with body temperature. While the Isshiki magic specializes intereference with living organism's electricity that affects human body through the brain and nervous system.[2][3]


The Isshiki Family has developed two signature magic but despite being direct descendants, their magic has a specific aptitude requirement which makes only some members of the family are able to use their signature magic.

Nerve Disturbance[]

Nerve Disturbance interferes with the enemy's nervous system to paralyze their five senses and their voluntary control. In order for "Nerve Disturbance" and the bio-electric current interference magic of the Isshiki Family to work reliably, it has to be used within the distance of several meters of the target. If the target were to act as a friend, and then betray the user along with inhibiting them from doing anything, then the need to use the bio-electric current interference magic at a close distance wouldn't be very useful. In the end, if one didn't mind killing the target, they would have to take action after disabling any surveillance. [4]


Lightning is Airi's signature magic that perceives information through interfering with the body's electricity that is recognized by the spirit without the intervention of the brain and nervous system, which consists of two parts - magic that directly orders the body's movement and spirit. [5]


  • Parent Generation
    • Unnamed Family Head
    • Hiromi's Father - Hiromi's father is also the younger brother of the family head who was adopted by the Hiiro Family before his adulthood hence Hiromi also shares the Hiiro family name despite being a direct descendant of the Isshiki.
    • Isshiki Airi's Mother


  • The Isshiki has a tradition of having their female members names associated with plants and flowers[6].
    • Isshiki Airi's name (愛梨) with "ai" (愛) means "love, affection" combine with "ri" (梨) means "pear"

