Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
WK-SA-LINA-GIF Spoiler Alert: This page contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

The Isori (五十里) family is one of the Hundred Families, bearing the number Fifty (五十) in their name.


The Isori and Tsuzura Families have both produced many exceptional researchers who've freely exchanged their research findings and remained national authorities in the field. [1]

They are renowned for their expertise in Engravement Magic. [2]

The Chiba and Isori families have close relations with one another due in part to the engravement spells the Isori engrave onto the CAD for the Chiba. Chiba Erika's CAD was developed by the Isori Family, specifically Isori Kei. [3]


