Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki

Spells all have different classifications, be it modern magic, ancient magic or superpowers. They affect the Eidos in some way, usually with the use of a CAD and Psions.

Spell Name Modern / Ancient Magic System (& Subsystem if any) Target Rank Other Details
Accel Modern Magic Acceleration-type Single N/A N/A
Active Air Mine Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Abyss Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect Strategic-Class N/A
Air Armor Modern Magic Movement-type ; Convergence-type Single N/A Compound Magic
Air Bullet Modern Magic Convergence-type Multiple N/A N/A
Antlion's Larval Pit Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Azusayumi Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) Area of Effect Restricted / Forbidden N/A
Baryon Lance Modern Magic FAE Theory ; Regrowth Single A Based on FAE Theory and using Regrowth ; Compound Magic
Battering Ram Modern Magic Weight-type Single A N/A
Bias Release Modern Magic Convergence-type Single N/A N/A
Blast Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Single N/A Compound Magic
Cast Jamming Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Area of Effect N/A Counter Magic
Cocytus Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) N/A Forbidden N/A
Coiled Silk Force Ancient Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Compulsory Arrest Modern Magic Movement-type Multiple N/A N/A
Compound Waves Modern Magic Non Systematic-type N/A N/A N/A
Convergent Systematic Reinforcement Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect N/A Counter Magic
Coulomb Force Control N/A Release-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Dancing Blades Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Data Fortification (Convergent Systematic Reinforcement or Fortifying Magic) Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect N/A Counter Magic
Decomposition Modern Magic (Theoretical) Decomposition Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect Superpower ; Strategic-Class Based on Decomposition Theory
Density Manipulation Modern Magic Convergence-type Single A N/A
Dissection Ancient Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Dojigiri Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Weight-type belonging to Ancient Magic N/A N/A Compound Magic
Dry Blizzard Modern Magic Movement-type ; Convergence-type ; Release-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Dry Meteor Modern Magic Speed-type ; Convergence-type ; Release-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Dry Up Modern Magic Diffusion-type Single, Area of Effect N/A N/A
Earth Pit Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Earth-shaker Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Earth Splitter Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Echo Maze Ancient Magic Spirit Magic ; Sensory-type N/A N/A N/A
Elemental Sight Modern Magic Sensory-type Area of Effect Superpower N/A
Evil-Eye Modern Magic Oscillation-type ; Consciousness Interference-type ; Non Systematic-type Single N/A Compound Magic
Exorcism Cut Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A Anti-Demon Magic
Exploder Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Explosion Modern Magic Speed-type Single N/A N/A
Far Strike Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single N/A Counter Magic
Freeze Flame Modern Magic Speed-type ; Oscillation-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Gamma Ray Filter Modern Magic Dispersion-type Area of effect A Barrier (Defensive Magic)
Geis Ancient Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Ghost Walker Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Outer-Systematic (Mental Interference) belonging to Ancient Magic Area of Effect Restricted / Forbidden Compound Magic
Golden Electron Silkworms Ancient Magic Spirit Magic Single N/A N/A
Gram Demolition Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single N/A Counter Magic
Gram Dispersion Modern Magic (Theoretical) Non Systematic-type ; Decomposition Single N/A Based on Decomposition Theory ; Counter Magic
Grim Reaper Modern Magic Outer-Systematic (Mental Interference) Multiple Forbidden / Restricted N/A
Hale Particles Modern Magic Speed-type ; Convergence-type ; Release-type Multiple ; Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Heat Modern Magic Oscillation-type Single, Area of Effect N/A N/A
Heated Turbulence Modern Magic Movement-type ; Convergence-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Heavy Metal Burst Modern Magic (Theoretical) FAE Theory Single ; Area of Effect A ; Strategic-Class Based on FAE Theory
Inertia Cancel (Cancellation) / Inertia Removal Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Inertia Control Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Inertia Reversal Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Inferno Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect A N/A
Interference Armor Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Invisible Bullet Modern Magic (Theoretical) Weight-type ; Cardinal Codes Single N/A Based on Cardinal Codes
Iron Breaker Modern Magic Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Karura En Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A Anti-Demon Magic
Kamaitachi Modern Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Kyokan Jigoku Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Land Tsunami Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Launcher Modern Magic Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Light Refraction Magic Modern Magic Convergence-type ; Absorption-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Light Weight Magic Modern Magic Weight-type Single N/A N/A
Lightning Modern Magic Speed-type ; Movement-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Lightning Rod Modern Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Linear Sandstorm Modern Magic Speed-type ; Convergence-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Luna Strike Modern Magic Outer-Systematic (Mental Interference) Single Restricted / Forbidden N/A
Magic Bullet Tathlum Modern Magic Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Magical Mist & Barrier Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Mandrake Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) Area of Effect Restricted / Forbidden N/A
Material Burst Modern Magic (Theoretical) Decomposition Single [but results in Area of Effect] Strategic-Class ; Classified Based on Decomposition Theory
Matoi Ancient Magic Ninjutsu N/A N/A N/A
Mental Design Interference Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) Single Forbidden N/A
Meteor Stream Modern Magic Convergence-type Area of Effect A N/A
Million Edge Modern Magic ; Engravement Magic Movement-type using Engravement Magic Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Mine Genesis Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Mirage Cloak Ancient Magic Ninjutsu N/A N/A N/A
Mirror Cage Modern Magic Convergence-type ; Absorption-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Mist Dispersion Modern Magic (Theoretical) Decomposition Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect A ; Classified Based on Decomposition Theory
Mock Teleportation Modern Magic Weight-type ; Movement-type ; Convergence-type ; Dispersion-type Single ; Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Molecular Divider Modern Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Multi-Scope Modern Magic Sensory-type Multiple N/A N/A
Multiple Bounce Modern Magic Speed-type Multiple N/A N/A
Muspelheim Modern Magic Dispersion-type Area of Effect A N/A
Neutron Barrier Modern Magic Dispersion-type Area of Effect A Barrier (Defensive Magic)
Niflheim Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect A N/A
One Command Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) Multiple Forbidden N/A
Onibi Ancient Magic Ninjutsu N/A N/A N/A
Optical Magic Modern Magic Convergence-type ; Absorption-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Oscillation Mine Modern Magic Oscillation-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Parade Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Sensory-type belonging to Ancient Magic Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
‡Particle Release Magic Modern Magic Non Systematic-type N/A N/A N/A
Perfect Diffusion Modern Magic Convergence-type ; Dispersion-type N/A N/A Compound Magic
Phalanx Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A Barrier (Defensive Magic)
Phantom Blow Modern Magic Non Systematic-type* Single N/A N/A
Phobos N/A N/A Single N/A N/A
Phonon Maser Modern Magic Oscillation-type Single A N/A
Pledge Modern Magic Outer Systematic (Mental Interference) Single Forbidden N/A
Poisoned Bees Modern Magic Sensory-type Single N/A N/A
Polyhedra Handle Modern Magic N/A Area of Effect N/A N/A
Press Modern Magic Weight-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Pressure Slash Modern Magic Weight-type Single N/A N/A
Psion Bullet Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single N/A Counter Magic
Pyrokinesis Modern Magic Superpower N/A N/A N/A
Reflector Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Regrowth Modern Magic N/A Single Target Superpower N/A
Resonance Modern Magic Oscillation-type Single ; Multiple ; Area of Effect N/A N/A
Resonate Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single N/A N/A
Rest Modern Magic Movement-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Revolution Modern Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Road Extension Modern Magic Release-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Rupture Modern Magic Dispersion-type Single A N/A
Rust Maker Modern Magic Absorption-type Single N/A N/A
Self Marionette Modern Magic Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Sense Tuning Ancient Magic Spirit Magic ; Sensory-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Shift Magic Modern Magic Dispersion-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Silent Veil Modern Magic Oscillation-type ; Non Systematic-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Slithering Sanders Modern Magic Oscillation-type ; Dispersion-type Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Smoke Ball Modern Magic Convergence-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Sonic Blade Modern Magic Oscillation-type Single B N/A
Spark Modern Magic Emission (Release)-type Area of Effect N/A N/A
Speed Ripper Modern Magic Speed-type Single N/A N/A
Steel Qigong Ancient Magic N/A Single N/A N/A
Suffocating Turbulence Modern Magic Movement-type ; Convergence-type Area of Effect N/A Compound Magic
Summoning Magic Ancient Magic Spirit Magic belonging to Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A Compound Magic
Surge Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Single N/A N/A
Suspension Modern Magic Movement-type ; Convergence-type Single N/A Compound Magic
Synchronized Linear Fusion Modern Magic N/A Area of Effect Strategic-Class N/A
Tetsuzan Modern Magic Movement-type Single N/A N/A
Thousand Tatami Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Weight-type belonging to Ancient Magic Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Thunder Child Modern Magic Dispersion-type Single ; Multiple B N/A
Thunder Cloud Ancient Magic N/A Single ; Multiple N/A N/A
Thunder Needle Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Release-type belonging to Ancient Magic Multiple N/A Compound Magic
Thunder Spawn Ancient Magic Dispersion-type belonging to Ancient Magic Single ; Multiple B N/A
Trajectory Alteration Modern Magic N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tuman Bomba Modern Magic N/A Area of Effect Strategic-Class N/A
Ultimate Scattering Modern Magic Convergence-type Area of Effect A N/A
Wild Hair Ancient Magic Divine Earth Magic N/A N/A N/A
Wood and Stone Modern Magic ; Ancient Magic Outer-Systematic (Mental Interference) belonging to Ancient Magic (Taoists) N/A Restricted / Forbidden Compound Magic
Yamatsunami Modern Magic Weight-type Single N/A Secret Art
Yellow Turban Doll Warriors Ancient Magic ; Taoist Magic Taoist Magic Single N/A N/A
Zombification Ancient Magic N/A Single Forbidden N/A
Zone Interference Modern Magic Non Systematic-type Area of Effect N/A Counter Magic
  • Links in the table are only provided for spells, who do not have a separate spell page.

‡No mentions on wikia yet.

All items (258)
