Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Wiki
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Abigail Stuart (アビゲイル・ステューアット) is a USNA magic researcher. She goes by the nickname "Abby". [1]

Appearance and Personality[]

She has short red hair. During her teenage, she was easily mistaken for a handsome young boy[1] but at age 22, Abigail now look completely feminine.[2]

Though she is a genius who feels like a nerd, but prefers teaching others. [1]

Because of her willingness to go to Japan given her work in the USNA and Stars, she gives the impression that she puts her intellectual curiosity first than her personal safety. [3]


She is 22 years old. She got her doctorate degree at the age of 17. [1]

Abigail and Second-Lieutenant Angelina Mizar are old friends. [1]

She is the Chief Engineer of STARS.[4]

She developed both Heavy Metal Burst and Brionac. At the age of 17, at the Shawmut Magic Research Institute, Abigail is the leader of the charged particle beam magic weapons laboratory for creating prototypes. [1]

With Angelina Kudou Shields's magical power, when she came to visit, she cooperated with Abigail's research. Heavy Metal Burst during initial practical experiments exceeded tactical-class power, becoming a Strategic-Class Magic. As a result, Stars strongly encouraged for the completion of Heavy Metal Burst and Brionac. [1] For the next five years since their first meeting, Lina and Abigail meets face to face about for to fives times a year for the activation adjustment of Heavy Metal Burst and the improvement of the Brionac.[2]


Abigail is among the dispatched USNA technical team for training in the Stellar Furnace Plant and she informs Lina that she will be staying at Miyaki Island for six months despite being the developer charged particle magic weapons for Stars, the USNA government and her considers the potential of the Stellar Furnace to be greatly valued. [2]

