There is healing magic in Mahouka. It's just not as efficient and needs to be recast over and over until the fix becomes perminant.
In the context, Mayumi is being her usual closet delinquent self when alone with Tatsuya and Tatsuya is pretending to be her bodyguard. So, since he is on soft drinks, there is no reason to check his ID because magicians working as bodyguards isn't unusual and most importantly, he isn't drinking alcohol.
In Mayumi's case, she looks old enough and is clearly someone important as she has a bodyguard, i.e. not someone to upset in case daddy is a really big bigwig, so checking her ID when there's no real grounds for it is too risky. Especially when the bodyguard, who would be in the most trouble if she got wasted without permission, isn't saying anything, meaning either she's old enough or parents won't care.
Modern Magic in Mahouka works by temporarily altering the world's data. It's simular to messing with the code in a computer program.
EIDOS is the data itself.
The Idea is where the data is stored.
Psions are thought particles.
Pushions are emotional particles (these are usually only relevant to MI magic which affects the soul).
To use magic, you follow the following process.
1) Channel psions, or thought particles, and create a magic formula with them (a CAD assists with this process).
2) You then paste the magic sequence onto the target's EIDOS data within the IDEA.
3) The formula then alters reality to make the magic happen.
4) Magic spell goes off.
5) The EIDOS data then resets back to how it was once the spell's duration is over.
It's a bit of a simplified version but that's basically it.
If you mean who the 101st Regiment sent to observe him at First High, it's never revealed.
Healing magic does exist within the Mahoukaverse. The issue is that magic only causes temporary phenomina. So to heal someone with magic you have to keep reapplying it over and over to make it stick and force the 'healed' state to become reality.
Regrowth however, resets the EIDOS data to an earlier 'back-up' point which tricks the system into thinking the healed damage never took place. This is why Regrowth is far superior to Healing Magic.
Mist Dispersion works on matter and reduces it to atoms (mist). Light isn't made of matter and cannot be atomised. Decomposition Magic could in theory break down things such as light, but the Mist Dispersion spell specifically is only decomposing matter.
It was a mistake. Gram Dispersion is the only known counter for Night because there is nothing for Mist Dispersion to erase. The page has been corrected.
It is because Tatsuya isn't technically a magician, he's a born specialised magician, which is also known as a superpower user. So as a 'magician', he Is truly third-rate, but as a 'combatant' and 'superpower user', he is beyond first class.
To put it simply, it's technicalities combined with the fact he is massively overspecilised.
Tatsuya can only use his innate magic with any true degree of freedom and power. He cannot use normal magic at all with his natural Magic Calculation Area. And by the modern definition, none of his special abilities are technically magic because they don't alter EIDOS, they can only delete or restore it. The Yotsuba did try to compensate with the Artificial Magic Calculation Area, but the result was subpar and only reached the level of a third-rate magician, which simply wasn't good enough for one of the Master Clans.
As a reader, we are grading him more as a combatant than an actual magician by Mahouka Japan's standards. But a magician isn't graded on their combat skills, they aren't all soldiers. So our assessment as readers is using the wrong criteria to grade him by.
Additionally, the Yotsuba's belief is supported by his practical test grades so it isn't just them.
The issue is better explained in the Light Novels, and this issues is a recurring theme, but I hope that at least makes it a little clearer for you.
There is an official subtitled version of the movie available from numerous retailers if you want a translation.
It will be continued if and when someone has some free time and feels like working on it.
Feel free to use the edit button and do it yourself if you are free.
The hotel's name is never given, assuming it has one. It is part of the Fuji military facility used for the competition so it my not have one of it's own at all, simply sharing the name of the base.
Right, enough is enough. This conversation is over and I'm locking the thread.
If people are going to resort to personal attacks against the author and trolling him with slander because they cannot win the argument then there is nothing left to discuss and I'm not allowing this to deteriorate further. Please refer to the guidelines for what is allowed here.
1. Be nice and treat people with respect. Keep discussions civil and be open-minded about differing opinions and cultures.
7. Spamming, trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and will lead to your account being banned.
None of those quotes say she is.
'Speaking figuratively, you could say Goddess.'
'Something like a heavenly nymph, goddess, or some other beautiful lifeform, you cannot wipe away the suspicion she is such a fantastical superior being.'
'A beauty one cannot consider of this earth, seeing for the first time a Goddess that has not yet been summoned to the heavens,'
As such the actual volumes state she is a beauty comparable to a divine being descended from the heavens, not that she is one.
It's stated in the books. The images and artwork are just the artists interpretations of the text, but the written word is ultimately the canon description. And the light novels say she is a beauty comparable to a divine being descended from the heavens.
To quote the writings of the author;
'After two, three years she will become peerless, yet describing her as such feels rather conservative. A beauty one cannot consider of this earth, seeing for the first time a Goddess that has not yet been summoned to the heavens, every female friend close to her right now must feel insecure remembering this blooming flower.'
Source: Reminiscence Continuation: Frozen Island.
'However you look at it, she is not a living thing of this world. Something like a heavenly nymph, goddess, or some other beautiful lifeform, you cannot wipe away the suspicion she is such a fantastical superior being. Seeing her yourself, you would become caught in the suspicion your mind had gone crazy.'
Source: Plan to Assassinate Tatsuya Shiba, Light Novel Volume One.
'An existence beautiful to that extent, they could not be a ‘person’ that lives upon this refuse smeared world.
Speaking figuratively, you could say Celestial Maiden.
Speaking figuratively, you could say Goddess.
And then, next to Miyuki-sama, this personification of graceful beauty, was Tatsuya-sama, who you would not think of as being even a little unworthy of quietly sitting there.'
Source: Mistress Promotional Short Story.
Take it up with the author if you don't like it, but it is a written canon fact that Miyuki is a beauty of supernatural proportions.
They are comparable, but not the same. Both are beautiful women, however, they are different types of beauty. Miyuki is a traditional beauty, with Lina being more a lovely exotic (foreign) beauty.
Also, the biggest difference is that Miyuki is considered a beauty of divine proportions, to the point she seems supernatural, whereas Lina is an earthly beauty of human standards. It's mentioned numerous times, a good example being Minami's impression of her in the Mistress promotional short added the other day, or the reactions during the Mission Hatsumoude short story where all eyes were initially on Lina until Miyuki arrives and all interest is immediately lost.
As to whether that is due to some kind of passive MI magic of Miyuki's is a sorely debated theory, but the fact remains that the canon is that Lina is a 10/10 but Miyuki is essentially a 100/10 in person (to an unnatural degree).
The main point of the wiki is to provide information to support readers by acting as a reference point. The references go to the chapter summaries and in doing so, provide at least some of the desired information and context, within fair use, for reference for use whilst reading. For looking up what a specific spell does for example. Linking to the volumes on an external site would not provide this because the official sites don't provide more than a trial and synopsis at best. So unless you own a copy, you could not check anything regardless.
No, because the point of the references is to direct people to the correct novel or short story where the information has come from. This both provides a means of easy confirmation of the validity of the information (there are trolls who insert false information, we've had to ban several), as well as a means of directing people to the correct part of the series for more information, and to see that information in the correct context.
Posting the actual novels on here would be piracy, which is against Fandom's rule and the law. That is why there are only summaries of any licenced content here to keep within {{fair use}}. Even quotations have to be kept to a minimum. The only exceptions are when things don't fall under the licence as licenced content, such as 'Not For Resale' promotional items and shorts which can be 'fairly used' as is.
It's made clear that how people's abilities match up is a huge factor in how fights will work out. Everybody can be defeated, given the right circumstances.
However, in a straight up and fair fight, overwhelming power is going to trump most things. Which will make Miyuki near unbeatable. But in an unfair fight, or a fight with restrictions like in the NSC, they can be beaten.
Plus, factor in that all the 'real' fights in the series are going to be to the death. So losing would be final, and the series would end.
Most likely, they won't change family names until their wedding day after they graduate from the university.
Spoiler Warning: Contains details from the sequel.
It is implied in the sequel that Mayumi has given up and moved on. That said, Mayumi's chances were negligible form the get go due to the family feud between the Saegusa and Yotsuba, not to mention Tatsuya's weaponization. Add in the fact Miyuki is not one to share and it is pretty much set in stone it won't happen.