What volume that people will know that Tatsuya is SIlver Taurus? Thank you :D
Still no one knows,expect for Tatsuya's relatives that he isTauras Silver, and from the name of next vol i.e Isolation it seems to be based more on yotsubas isolation from 10MC, and frankly speaking i don't think his identity will be revealed this fast but still not sure.
just wait for 50 days more and you will find your answer.
actually i m really not into this brother sister thing, and no one knows who will end up with tatsuya,
and personally from the start of the story miyuki dont resemble tatsuya even the slightest in apperance,so i quite not find anything weird about their relationship , but in the same time i'm not promoting their relationship either i'm just being NEUTRAL.
first ,let me tell you this ( Mahuko) anime is not ridiculous,its LN is currently one of best LN's,and this story is not about brother and sister marry or something else, although main focal point of mahouko LN is love b/w tatsuya and miyuki.
Secondly Tatsuya doesn't sees miyuki as someone of opposite sex till yet whereas miyuki does.
And i will suggest you to forget about this brother sister thing and enjoy the LN as the story is just begining to be more interesting.
And if you want to know more about Tatsuya and the other girls
search this
scroll down and you will find most of your answer.
yeah it's all present in Visitor arc 3, and vol 16
in house still yes, but in public or in shool Tatsuya-sama. As for your above question Tatsuya still sees her as his little sister but Miyuki is so much devoted to tatsuya as you can find it in visitor arc , she said her finger, hairclip , bossoms,parts which are not allowed to see by anyone else expect tatsuya, all her body and her heart belongs to Tatsuya.
nothing great, their relationship has not gone far enough, as the story is being heated up something great might come from isolation vol.
and also which of the Srategic class magic (13 APOSTLES) Is the most powerful one.
i have one question which is
after vol 16 ichijo family and saegusa family was against tatsuya and miyuki engagement but what happen after that does they step down and agreed to their marriage or not /
only miyuki is lovey dovey towards tatsuya
no, actually when mari question tatsuya about his feelings towards mayumi, he ask mari whether she is trying to point out any sexual desire towards mayumi to which he says straightly NO.
Then he leaves the table paying bill.
there's not much progress in their relationship as tatsuya still sees her as a sister on the other hand story has gotten heated up ,so not much have been shown about their relation.
so only we can do is wait.
does anyone has idea where to read vol 22 summary, if its still not out how much time will it take?
is volume 23 details are revealed?
if it is where i can find it.
how we are able to get this information before the vol release date? is this priview?
also how much time will it take for spoilers to get uploaded after the vol 22 releases.