if the story continues to progress at the current pace, i think that around 10 volumes for 3rd year
I would like to think that the movie is a test of how profitable a second season will be.
thats my hope. MAYBE if the movie does well we MAY have a 2nd season.
I heard that the novel will continue with the same name even when they enter university. i think it was posted in the after section of the vol 20 or 21.
As of today, the novel is only starting the 3rd course of high school, so we will have mahouka for quite a while.
Single Target magic:
single target should mean that the spell needs a target/s to activate.
rupture is a single target magic, it NEEDS a target to activate, same with some other magics, if a target is not defined the magic will fizzle and not activate. it happened to Hattori in his duel with Tatsuya.
Area of effect magics:
AOE magics do not need a target, they need the space coordinates to activate, inferno, niflheim, and the barrier of katsuto and minami are area of effect magics, you specify the coordinates where the magic will activate.
note 1:
data fortification is a better defense for single target magics, it will up the defenses and could potentially invalidate the magic.
wide interference is better suited to defend against AOE spells.
data fortification will protect you , but not your surroundings, AOE effects could affect you (ice pillar break on the 1st 9SC)
Note 2:
there are magics that could be used with the 2 methods, Tatsuya can use decomposition both as a single target and as an area of effect magic.
There are also magics that may mix and convine the two together to form a single magic with multiple processes.
The example that comes to my mind is Mayumi magic, She performs and area of effect magic to gather CO2 on the atmosphere, and then she shoots it toward the target; applying movement magic to the bullet made of CO2.
What do you think?
he got shot in the chest before and it didn't bother him. Destroyng ones heart is not a cause for instant death. brain continues to work for a few seconds.
a headshot in the other hand...
it has been stated during the yokohama incident that he could heal brain injuries, at least on others, if they were still "alive".
For himself, I don't know.
Actually, I think Madhouse annonced it was going to do 2nd season of one punch man.
I think he will end up with Miyuki, but even if he doesn't. there are way better choices for him.
he will end with Ayako or Lina much more likely than with Mayumi. Especially Ayako, who is so much of a Yotsuba's back up wife for Tatsuya as it can posibly be.
Also if we have to choose Saegusas, I like Izumi more. (just my personal opinion).
Even if the spoiler of Miyuki being talked into becoming an idol is true, it isn't going to happen. I will be seriously dissapointed.
1º Tatsuya is oposed to the idea, I cannot think of a situation in that Miyuki goes against Tatsuya wishes, an even if it does it will be something that will benefit Tatsuya in some form. this is not the case.
2º She is the next fucking head of the Yotsuba, If She had the time to be and idol i expect her to drop that and start being involved in clan business.
3º If all the member of the Yotsuba clan including the shibas had one thing in common is that they "don't give a shit" about how other people think, no amount of pressure is going to change that. So I don't see Maya giving in to pressure and allowing Miyuki to become an idol. More so when the idea came from a Saegusa.
Excuse my usew of profanity in this post.
I think Maya anounced the engament publicly to encite a reaction against it.
So when The Saegusa and company try to tear them apart they will be met with the wrath of Tatsuya.
if this happens: 2 options
option 1: Tatsuya obliterates the 10MC involved, Leaving the Yotsuba as the only leader of the magic comunity.
option 2: Chaos ensues, world destroying events and WW4.
Either way Maya will be laughing atop her throne in the Yotsuba state.
I think I read somewhere, maybe in the spoilers or in the discord, that Gate Keeper works through some kind of psion bullets inserted in the target magician.
if that is true then It is more of a "non-systematic" magic than "outer-systematic mental interference" type of magic.
maybe we should add a spoiler warning in this thread.
Maya said Miya TRIED to love her son, but she could not.
I think Miya suffered some kind of backslash during Tatsuya's operation. She also lost some emotions.
I think the people attending will be from all the 28 families and some of the hundred families. All of the teenagers and university students will be invited.
if all will attend ? probably not. but I expect to see Akane (clinging to the Cardinal) and the appearence of Airi in the LN, who so far have only appeared in the manga.
Bonus: Maybe Ayako and Fumiya will go too, together with Tatsuya and Miyuki
Tatsuya will go up to the speakers podium
reveal that He is Taurus silver,
speak of how all of them have done nothing to improve how magicians are viewed while he is the only one trying to improve it.
After that Miyuki will go up and say that only Tatsuya is in a position to lead them to the future or something like that.
Tatsuya is apointed King, God, Supreme leader of all magicians or any other title you may think of.
Not going to happen, but it will be funny.
That is also true, better expresed.
Retsu was willing to take the bullet directed at Koichi, that was why they stepped down from the 10MC.
Kudou Retsu knows that Tatsuya is Mahesvara. But, as told in the LN, he know the value of keeping Tatsuya's card covered and secret.
The JSDF, except for the 101, don't know anything about Tatsuya, for them he is a normal high school student.
In the Conference, when Retsu entered, he only said that the experiment was stopped thank to the help of Tatsuya. The other leaders may be suspicious of how Tatsuya was involved, but since the is no recordings or proof of any kind, they will have problems discovering the truth.
In vol 13 when the Parasite doll experiment ocurred, the truck and suit Tatsuya used were destroyed, Witneses who could spot Tatsuya as he returned where controled by Fumiya and the Kuroba, and all the military personel involved in the incident were captured by the Yotsuba.
My take on kodou intention when he revealed Tatsuya involment in the incident is that he was trying to calm Maya.
Maya was in control of the situation and had Saegusa Koichi against the wall. To calm her he praised her son. Given the other topics discussed before (the engagement), any praise Tatsuya recieved was a good thing. Ichijou Gouki also did not like very much all the praises directed at Tatsuya.
Kudou Retsu is not the leader of the 10MC. he was not even in the conference, his son was. and now they are not even part of the 10MC
That being said, He WAS the most important magician, or the highest ranking member of the 10MC in society or the military. he got to general, and his influence was so big that a "rule" forbiding magicians in politics or high command was enforced.
He was not the most powerful, but he was very well connected, an still is. This is why he knows so much.
Retsu has or had no way of enforcing or ordering anything to any other 10MC member. All members are equal.
I think Miyuki and Juumonji will have interfered with each other, but since first miyuki stoped the flames, and after the fire was put down, and the magic finished, Juumonji casted his barrier.
Juumonji barrier also did not target the car, but was located between the car and the bus. or surrounding the bus should be a better explanation.
Thousand Tatami, I do agree with you, but I think jamming will ocur even with different systems.
I once wrote a post about jamming, data fortification and zone interference, in that post I mentioned that the magic in Mahouka seems to draw many similarities to communication systems in the real world. Now I think that maybe the author used these systems for his research.
Jamming or interference will ocurr every time you have different signals fighting for transmision. (different magicians)
Success of transmision will not be dependent of the information, type of information, or how coded or encrypted it is. (the magic system used)
Just to get things clear, within a signal( or channel) you will be able to transmit different information or types if information without interfering with each other. Magics cast by the same person will never interfere with each other unless voluntarily setting them to. this will be the selective jamming Tatsuya pulled of in the first arc.
you can cast multiple magics from the same system on the same target no problem,
the one casting the magic has to be the same person.
Parade, that can be cast on top of itself is an example. same the protection Lu gonfu used (steel qigong I think is the name)
Tatsuya casted multiple spell of the same gravity type magic on Kotona on Vol 16.
Jamming ocurs when different casters try to cast on the same target, even with different systems. Example the car crash in Vol 3.
Tatsuya has learned, or developed, a magic that blocks a magician from using magic or certain spells.
the name of the spell is Gate Keeper.