I suggest you savor the deliciousness of mknr anime first before you start reading the LN!
I mean until season two!
I quoted a thing I kinda agreed.
"Really reading this novel over and over, I think He already knows (about they're not real siblings). Their interactions are way beyond what you will allow between brother and sister and most of the time he is the one deciding on when to stop or what to allow.
What most people are missing here is that this guy has plan, and for it to succeed, he needs to be Miyuki's Guardian but you can already see that the Youtsuba themselves a suspecting that something is coming (and Maya is trying hard to remove him from the guard post!)
Even his conversation with Kudou Retsu in Vol14, you can tell that he already know who the sponsor is and the fact that he did already research about that means something.
Personally I'am just waiting for the fall out. I just what know what is planning. There is no way that this all story is just about him going to High school."
I suggest we all peace out of the siblings-thing because its 50-50, imo. The amount of possibilities, that is.
"Tatsuya only loves Miyuki because that is his only emotion left, now what if they are not brother and sister?"
IMO,I'll stay calm until the writer revealed the state of base of Tatsuya feeling about Miyuki. but if he's not her brother,the posibility for them to become couple is still the highest since (if Tatsuya's state of emotions remain unchanged after they're revealed as non-siblings) Tatsuya himself has said (whether joking or not,it seems he feels serious of it by the way it was described in the novel) he would want her as her lover if not for their siblings' line.
there are many other quotes from the novel that can espress Tatsuya's love for her and make me super squealing at it;
Btw,as for Mayumi,I like her because maybe she shows a different way of a daring girl teasing Tatsuya albeit less reaction shown by him.there are many lines of them that can be canon-ed.
maybe it's because it's a translated novel, or maybe the wordings, but it doesn't seems to be convincing. Miyuki too spoke it unconvincingly. This is a fiction we're talking about. There are infinite possibilities =)
I knew it! :) sorry just asking~ Chinese would nvr be my language, it's super hard!!!
yes...it's addictive and exciting! the only spoiler of the day would be when you suddenly remember you have some work to be done after finished the books lol
Bachelor onii-sama please choose Harem ending! hahaha
@Otaku4469, ANSWER ME HONESTLY XD! English is your 1st language or not? Please! Please! I really need to know!!
yep.even if he's going to flash cast his innate magics,there really are no functions~
^...that's what I've just stated right?
Need no CAD for his innate magic & its submagics, and I mentioned Loop Cast system bc Trident has it.
lol.thanks for the confirmation!
honestly,i just replied to this thread intentionally like a crazy fangirl just because I can XD hahaha
[in real life: '?' 'Why're these people commenting as if he's an idol, real human?' '...' 'Let's follow their paces!Hahahahaaa']
..................................................so much for claiming you're not having anything against Miyuki :(
Are you sure these are rational inferences of the story so far...? quite curious how you end up with these kind of thoughts.Oh I've nothing against you just...really curious...if this is not biased then what is it?
If the story is about him and Miyuki? No to mention that it seems to be the favorite girl skyrocketing buyers fans.
Perspective is an enigma :)
like I've said, maybe the fanarts' makers doesn't really pay attention to the relationships' status (Ignorant artists) and just draw em because they make quite divine pairing?there's no confirmations for this kind of arguements~
They pair Tatsuya x Miyuki because of incest
Are you sure? Or is it They really support Tatsuya x Miyuki because both are their favorite characters and thus ignore the incestism or maybe hopefully there is no incestism in the future.
One voice doesn't equal to All.
Who are you? :) An ambassador? Hahaha~Don't make it sound as simple as that. Like I've said, maybe some who support them are hoping for non-incestism? You're not even a MiyukiTatsuya supporter aren't you? How'd you know? Have you asked them? Oh god! My words sound rude but I really want to know! DON'T GET HEATED BC OF MY WORDS PLEASE XD
pillow...cough cough..coughing fits...too much laugh...sorry
@Wiki Con (pls make an acc okay?hahaha)
Not all of them because of incestism! If you're going to argue on this,provide some evidences. It may be just your perspectives! Okay?
Why are you so adamant of having Oreimo intrude this story? I mean, there is still some shade behind Tatsuya and Miyuki history, and there are so many ways of making them non-siblings,...no !what I'm trying to say at first is why Oreimo is sticked to you when this series has yet confirmed many stuffs, and it's not even close to any ending! This story is like, still in the mid of heating, haven't close to its real-considered peak/climax yet don't you agree? Like, the writer hasn't yet decided whether it is an incest or not, so there really is no reason to keep relating MiyukiTatsuya to Oreimo as if it was decided it was an incest. I understand you're having Oreimo as inference but please not too much since it was another story, and not related at all to Mahouka except maybe in the future IF the ending is similar to it which I REALLY DOUBT will, based on many things.It's just IMO though.
Okay, done re-reading!
I think it was confirmed. He really need no CAD for his innate magic and its submagics except maybe for this new magic of him.I think Trident is only really useful for his new magic. Since young he said CAD has no real significant for his magic.Just a tool.
and Loop Cast is his creation based on his own concepts so I think of course he'd need no tool for it.i mean, Trident doesn't really needed to be used to loop-casting his innate magics, because they're ridiculously fast already after all! Fresh magic-activation sequences can be cast easily by him....hahahahahahahaha....sasuga Onii-sama!
^oh from the sounds of your words, you're not a light novel reader? :)
Their voices are perfect!! All of them!! All characters of Mahouka anime are perfect!! I mean their voices...Tatsuya's, Miyuki's, Erika's, Mayumi's, Mari!! Her voice is sexy too, anyone?
Masaki's voice too!
Mayumi is very active and daring(in a diff ways than Miyuki & Erika)! So when she's with tatsuya,cute results occur~